House of Graduation

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Enjoy! Collage at the bottom!

Enjoy! Collage at the bottom!

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I think the second pic someone had made it's not mine

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I think the second pic someone had made it's not mine.

Fabian" They say graduation day is the most important day of your life and now I understand why. It's an ending and a beginning all at once"

Mara" And our advice to all you alumni is go party. Like this is the last day of your lives"

That might have been true if me and Eddie hadn't stopped Sophia. All of us cheer and chuck our caps in the air, hugging each other and cheering, I could even see Trudy crying. I couldn't believe it we had officially graduated. I look over at Eddie and he smiles.

I stood in my bedroom getting ready, I had all these thoughts racing through my head, all the good times that I've had here and even some of the bad. The good times outweighed the bad though and, my school experience at this place would be something I would never forget. I was even thinking about Jerome. KT smiled at me as she had finished in the bathroom.

KT" Ready?"

Charlie" As ready as I'll ever be, come on"

I met up with Fabian when we arrived at the school. He smiled and pulled me with him to dance.

Fabian" I'm so grateful you are safe, I mean I didn't want to lose you"

Charlie" I didn't want to lose you Fabian or my dad but if it meant we had to save the world so you could live"

Fabian" You and your brother but only The Osirians died, you are still here, what does it feel like without your powers"

Charlie" Empty, like something is missing, I mean the visions were annoying at first and scary but they helped Eddie and I through so much and I thank them for that, it was weird I felt my powers leave my body if that makes sense"

Fabian" You know what, it does"

We kissed then leant our foreheads on each other. We were busy dancing when Eddie and Patricia rushed over.

Eddie" Victor is leaving, come on quick we have to get back to the house"

Charlie" We are coming"

Back at the house all of us stood waiting for Victor. He came down the stairs with a box and Corbierre. It's all quiet we just stand there when he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he pulls the pin from his jacket and drops it to the floor.

We all clap and whistle. I couldn't believe Victor was leaving, he wasn't a bad guy really, that time he saved Joy with his last tears of Gold and when he saved Eddie and I from the chandelier. I will miss Victor.

Victor" Miscreants"

Joy"So this is really it?"

Eddie" And the whole place is still standing"

Alfie" Despite our best efforts"

Charlie"We did good, didn't we?"

Jerome" Hey, you know there's a party back there with our name on it"

Charlie" He's right, come on guys"

Story Notes So that's it The Twins and the rest of Anubis House have graduated and there is a party with their name on it

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Story Notes
So that's it The Twins and the rest of Anubis House have graduated and there is a party with their name on it. The Twins have defeated Sophia and destroyed the god of Ra and even though they no longer have powers they still have each other. Victor drops his pin for the last time.

Authors Notes
So did you think of the twins would graduate I wasn't sure myself sometimes. But it all turned out well in the end. Stay tuned for the last canon chapter next. Let me know what you thought.

Thanks X

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