House of Touchstones

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

As my twin and I rushed back to the house with the newbies, everyone was in the hallway Fabian and Victor at the top of the stairs. I exchange looks with Fabian and I can see from the look on his face he is glad I'm safe.

Charlie"Sophia's taken the touchstone"

Eddie" And Kit and KT"

Victor" What? You both must stop her from building that pyramid.

Cassie" Before we all turn into statues"

Fabian" Or the world ends We can't just be thinking of ourselves in this situation"

Everyone starts arguing and we only stop when Mara shouts over us.

Mara" Hey, quiet! I think I know where the other pyramid stones are"

She hands the papers she had been holding in her hands to Victor.

Victor" The whole house is built on these stones! The cellar"

Trudy" What are you all do here?"

Trudy looked at the whole place, the chandelier on the floor smashed in pieces, bits of rubble strewn everywhere, I think I would wonder what happened if I hadn't been clued in.

Victor" Trudy, everyone must get to the graduation, it's about to start"

Trudy" Come on, everyone.You heard what Victor said"

I look at Eddie and I know he is thinking the same thing.

Eddie" Victor, wait let us help Okay, we might be useful"

Victor sighs.

Charlie" Osirian useful"

I can see from Victor's face we have convinced him.

Victor" Very well Trudy, The Twins will remain"

Trudy" But"

Victor" Just go!"

Trudy" Come on Come on, come on"

All of them leave the house not before Fabian takes my hands.

Fabian" Be careful Osirian, I don't want anything to happen to you, in fact first chance I get I'm coming back for you"

We kiss and he leaves with Patricia. Eddie and I stand in front of Erin, Cassie and Dexter.

Eddie" All right, guys, time to step up"

Charlie" Are you ready?"

Erin and Cassie" Yeah"

We all chant Sibuna and head downstairs to the cellar. Victor sees them and I know immediately that he doesn't approve.

Victor" They should not be here"

Eddie" We need all the help we can get"

Victor" Very well search for the symbol of Ra"

All of us start searching every corner of the cellar, it is weird since Eddie and I spent most of our second year down her, what with finding about Frobisher, the secret room, the hidden passageway to the tunnels and we had never seen any symbol for Ra.

Eddie" You would of thought Fabian might have seen something, he is skilled in this sort of thing"

Charlie" I'm surprised I never saw anything the amount Jason went on about it"

Us, the others and Victor continue looking but not finding anything, then the house starts to shake like it had twice before, the stone Sophia must be here, it had to be. The whole house shakes and rubble starts to fall violently from the ceiling, things clattering to the floor from shelves.

Victor" The touchstone is back.It's summoning the other stones, take cover"

Erin and Cassie take cover under the same table they did when we had Cellar dares and Dexter hides under the stairs. Eddie and I are both still standing by Victor who is desperately trying to hold the ceiling from crashing down around us. I am clutching onto Eddie who has his arm around me.

Victor" Get down, get down the both of you"

Eddie and I duck under the table by Erin and Cassie.

Erin" Look! The stones! Look!"

Victor" The stones are leaving the house"

I look out from under the table as does Eddie and we see the stones emerging from the wall. They are leaving to join the others, we had to stop this but how.

Story Notes
So KT and Kit have disappeared and Charlie reckons Sophia has them. The Twins, newbies and Victor try to stop the stones leaving the house.

Authors Notes
Let me know what you think of this. It all comes down to The Twins in the next chapter. So stay tuned.


Thanks X

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