House of Blackouts

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

Eddie" I don't know, Fabian, look"

Fabian" The Stone, give it to me"

Fabian shoves his whole cake slice in his mouth which makes me laugh. The stone starts to move up behind everyone. Kit of course is too busy eating as he takes no notice until it's too late.

Dad" Kit Rush, you have some explaining to do"

Kit" But that it wasn't"

Twins" Dad!"

Dad" Edison, Charlie did you take this?"

Eddie"No it was in my bag, but I have no idea how it got there"

Victor" Get out, get out!"

All of us scarper back to our rooms. Later we come out into the hall when the electric goes out we hold back when we hear Dad and Victor strolling downstairs.

Victor" We had better go out and check the mains"

Dad" Why did you tell Mr Cornelian we don't have the Stone? It has to go back to the museum, and surely you knew that"

I look back at Eddie.

Charlie"Why would Victor lie about the Stone?"

The newbie girls come downstairs.

Cassie" What's going on? Is it the electrics?"

Victor" Ah, early curfew for you all.In five minutes precisely, I shall want to hear a pin drop"

Dexter" He actually said it, that's his catchphrase"

Jerome" Dude, we know"

Sophia" This is creepy, I really hate the dark"

KT comforts Sophia.

KT" It's just a power outage, Right?"

Twins" Oh, yeah"

Patricia" And so, uh party tonight? I'm thinking cellar dare okay, newbies, first thing we do is scavenge, follow me"

As everyone goes down to the cellar, I pull Fabian aside and both of us look at him. 

Eddie" Okay, if there's something going on with that stone, we need to tell the others"

Fabian" Yeah"

Twins and Fabian"Sibuna"

Patricia" So to the right is where Victor stuffs all the pets he's killed"

Cassie" I don't think Victor would like us snooping down here"

Patricia" Aw, you scared?"

Erin" No of course not"

Joy" You know he spends most nights down here brewing potions, gassing butterflies"

KT" Dressing dead weasels in tuxedos"

Patricia" Hanging from the ceiling like a bat"

A noise then echoes throughout the cellar. I would say I was scared if I hadn't been here for two years.

Joy" What was that? "

Mara" It came from over there"

Mara,Joy,Patricia, Alfie and the newbies walk over to the potions table and then Kit and Jerome jump out screaming which frightens nearly everyone in the room.

Joy" Jerome!"

Mara" Kit!" 

Kit" What? What? It's good training"

Jerome" They don't call this place creepy towers for nothing"

Kit" Alfie you can let go of Cassie now"

Willow" Alfie, that wasn't funny"

Willow runs off crying upstairs and Sophia follows her.

Sophia" Oh, Willow "

Meanwhile Eddie, KT, Kit, Fabian and I were standing chatting about what had happened at the museum today

KT" Eddie, how did you get the stone?"

Eddie" I don't know, I didn't steal it, how could I he sealed the door shut"

Charlie" I believe you, Dexter and Sophia heard the legend, but Dexter was pretty into it"

KT" Yeah, but why would he set Eddie up?"

Eddie" I don't know"

Dexter disappears upstairs.

Kit" There goes your suspect"

Fabian" We will stay here you guys go"

Charlie" Okay"

Eddie, KT and I head upstairs and just as we have left the cellar there is what I would describe as an earthquake. All of us crash to the floor, Eddie landing on top of me. I hold my hands over my head until it's stopped, we all look around. I rub my head as Eddie helps me up.

Eddie" You okay sis, KT?"

KT" Fine yeah"

Charlie" Yeah I'm okay, I hurt a bit but you did land on me"

Eddie" Yeah sorry about that"

Charlie" It's fine, come on"

Story Notes
So the house decide to play cellar dares, Jerome and Kit scare the newbies and The Twins and KT crash on the floor when an earthquake hits.

Authors Notes
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