House of Christmas Eve

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Enjoy! I made something at the bottom

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Enjoy! I made something at the bottom.

Charlie's POV
Christmas had come to Anubis House, after everything that had happened that year it was a nice break. Everyone was back to normal no more sinners walked among us, no red eyes and no evil Frobisher or Ammit. Most of the students had mostly recovered from the events of the year. I mean nothing would ever really be the same, nothing had really been the same before but last year seemed tame compared to what had happening this year. I was busy wrapping presents for all the fellow Sibuna's, the rest of the house, Trudy and my brother I still had flashbacks and dreams about Frobisher and Denby and even our dad and Fabian too but it was mostly Frobisher and Denby. The most popular reoccurring one was me being tortured while I had to watch my brother be tortured also, it was awful I remembered his screams and it always felt like someone was tearing out my soul. I shook the thoughts out of my head I wanted to think about the here and now and not what had happened in the past. I just finished the last gift when a knock sounded on the door.

Charlie" Come in"

My twin pokes his head around the door and I could see he had cookie crumbs or something around his face.

Eddie" Merry Christmas Eve"

Charlie" Merry Christmas Eve, have you wrapped all your presents"

Eddie" I have yeah all wrapped up and ready to be unwrapped"

I chuckle.

Eddie" That sounded better in my head"

Charlie" What have you got Patricia for Christmas?"

Eddie" I can't tell you that"

Charlie" Why, as long as you don't tell her"

Eddie" Fine, I got her some tickets for one of our favourite rock bands, they are touring here for the first time in ages"

Charlie" Awww, Eddie I am so happy you and Patricia worked things out"

Eddie" I'm glad too, so what did you get Fabian?"

Charlie" A brand new chess set, it's a really good one as well, I know his old one is getting a bit worse for wear, he will love it, I hope"

Eddie" He will definitely love it, I've never known someone so into chess like Fabian, are you still okay about going to dads for Christmas I know the nightmares have been strong lately"

Charlie" Yeah I am okay, it's not dad it's mainly Frobisher and Denby, I love Dad"

Eddie" I know we have each other and I love you so much but just to have a dad you know a parent who loved me"

Charlie" I get that, I totally do, what with Jason bringing me up, I love you too I just worry about everything still"

Eddie" I know I do too but we just have to keep reminding ourselves all the stuff he did was as a sinner it wasn't him"

Charlie" I know I guess it's still very raw I just have things that remind of what happened"

I then rub my left hand over my the burn on my right wrist and Eddie does the same.

Eddie" Dad has invited us to spend Christmas with him at his place, he says that no pressure to go or anything if we want to stay here he is okay with that"

Charlie" I know"

Eddie" Of course, we can spend Christmas Eve here, everyone is downstairs already getting ready to watch a movie, Trudy has even made gingerbread biscuits and hot chocolate"

Charlie" Is that why you have biscuits crumbs all over your face?"

Eddie" What, no one told me" 

I hand him a mirror and he looks at himself and wipes it off his face. I hug Eddie and he hugs me back.

Charlie" Love you twinnie"

Eddie" Love you twinnie"

We just stood there having a nice twin moment when someone else knocks on the door I turn around to see Fabian.

Fabian" Oh am I interrupting some twin moment or something"

Eddie" Nah man you are cool, we were just heading downstairs"

Fabian" Well I just came up to say that Mara said and I quote if those twins don't get down here now I am putting the movie on without them"

Charlie" Okay, fine we are coming"

I followed Eddie and Fabian downstairs where everyone was seated in the living room which looked incredibly festive by the way. Trudy had worked so hard to get the place looking festive and ready for Christmas, she had started on December 1st it had taken her a couple of days to do everything and most of us had even helped. The tree in the living room was a huge artificial tree, Trudy didn't want a real tree as it made too much mess. I just knew that if Victor was here he would have reluctantly agreed to have it up. I actually miss Victor he may have been grumpy but he had his good moments I will always remember when he saved Eddie and I from being crushed by the chandelier. That had to be replaced.

The tree was covered in red and green tinsel from head to foot, baubles, snowmen, fathers Christmas and all sorts of decoration adorned the tree all the way around even though you couldn't see at the back. Then also the lights that Trudy had spent a good few hours trying to untangle and tangle around the tree and lastly the star placed on top shining in all it's glory. With a hot chocolate in hand both of us sat down with a blanket most of us were spread out on the sofa. Eddie and Patricia together and Fabian and I together on one sofa then Jerome,Joy, Alfie and Willow on the other with KT, Kit and Mara on the chairs. We all decided on Home Alone only the best Christmas movie ever.

Story Notes So the Anubis House Residents have a film night watching the best Christmas film there is and The Twins are still thinking about spending Christmas with their dad

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Story Notes
So the Anubis House Residents have a film night watching the best Christmas film there is and The Twins are still thinking about spending Christmas with their dad.

Authors Notes
So hope you enjoyed this short chapter of Anubis House enjoying Christmas Eve. I had fun making the above poster. All my collages, mood boards and posters are made using Canva and Pics Art.

Question: Do you like the poster?

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

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