House of Family

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Enjoy! Last Chapter of canon storyline.

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I lead the charge and we all head back to the school

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I lead the charge and we all head back to the school. Eddie grabs hold of my arm and holds me back, he drags me into the classroom that will hold some good memories for me and bad memories for me. When Mrs Andrews judged mine, Mara and Joy's essays and then the time Eddie and I met Denby. Eddie pulls me to where we used to sit.

Charlie" Eddie what are we doing in here, there is a party with our name on it out there"

Eddie" I know I just wanted to talk to you"

Charlie" About what?"

Eddie" I've decided I want to go live with dad if you want to"

Charlie" I really want to live with dad after everything that's happened I really want to live with him"

Eddie" We should tell him, he will be so happy"

Charlie" I can see that after he nearly lost us"

Eddie" Think of all the memories that are in this room"

Charlie" That's what I was thinking, good and bad, the times we spent rushing in and out, avoiding lessons, solving sibuna riddles and saving the world twice, I'm going to miss this place"

I feel myself cry a bit and Eddie wraps his arm around me, our heads lean together our little fingers interlocked. It was finally over, everything that Eddie and I had been through, through all our suffering we endured, the pain we encountered, it was over we were still here, we were still together. We sat there for a bit with each other when Fabian appeared round the door.

Fabian" There you two are, what are you doing here?"

Charlie" Oh just having some twin time"

Fabian" Well come on, the party is this way, Eddie, Patricia is looking for you"

Charlie" We are coming, come on Eddie"

The night continues well, I dance with Fabian and Eddie dances with Patricia, Alfie and Willow dance together and Joy and Jerome dance together. Even our dad dances with Trudy.

When the party finally ends around midnight everyone heads back to the house for the last time as tomorrow everyone would be heading home. Eddie and I were about to head back when Dad grabs us.

Eric" Can I speak to you two?"

Eddie" Of course dad, we kind of want to speak to you too"

Dad takes us into his office and switches the light on. I smiled but also felt sad knowing this was going to be the last time, we would sit in these seats either being told off or having lunch or dinner with dad. I sat down in my seat and Eddie sits in his.

Dad" Well congratulations I must say, now I won't keep this long since it's very late but"

Eddie" Dad we know what you are going to say and we say yes"

Charlie" Dad we want to live you even though we could be off to University we want to live with you"

Eddie" You mean College"

Charlie" No I mean University"

Dad" I love you two so much, I can't wait to have you living with me"

Twins" We love you dad"

All three of us hug and dad holds us close.

Dad" So happy I didn't lose you two"

He kisses my head and then Eddie's before we leave to head back to Anubis House for the final time.

Story Notes
So The Twins spend some time together and realise that after everything that has happened they still have each other, the world is saved and they both decide to live with their dad.

Authors Notes
So I can't believe this is done. This has been something I have wanted to do since twenty thirteen and I never thought I would actually finish it. I feel kind of sad that I have finished it because I've had a blast writing it. But yeah this is the end of the canon storyline I will have two chapters of my own up tomorrow!

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