House of Museums

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Charlie's POV Arriving at the museum we were greeted by The Museum Curator, he shows us all in and tells us we are free to roam around at our own pace but not to touch anything

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Charlie's POV
Arriving at the museum we were greeted by The Museum Curator, he shows us all in and tells us we are free to roam around at our own pace but not to touch anything.

Making our way around the museum was an interesting affair, Jerome, Alfie and Kit causing trouble as always and Victor telling them off, Patricia giving evils to Sophia and Fabian constantly pointing out things and getting all excited. I soon left Fabian, he probably wouldn't even know I was gone. I join my brother and Sophia as we see an open door, obviously we weren't allowed in here but what harm could it do. Eddie and I share a twin look.

Eddie" So, uh you made a big impression today, on Victor I mean"

Sophia" So embarrassing, he probably hates me now"

Charlie" Don't worry, he hates everyone"

Eddie" Don't sweat it"

Sophia"You know, I don't think this room's open to the public, maybe we shouldn't be in here, oh look this one's gorgeous"

Dexter then pops up.

Dexter" Thanks"

Charlie" Dexter, what are you doing in here?"

Dexter" This place is so educational, I needed a nap"

We all jump when a voice shouts at us, I turn around it's the museum curator.

Museum Curator" Can none of you read? "No admittance""

Charlie" Uh sorry, Sir, we were just wondering what this Stone is"

Museum Curator" We have exhibits in the main hall dating back 12 dynasties"

Sophia" Yeah, but this one's so pretty"

Museum Curator" It arrived last week, they call it the Touchstone of Ra.
One of five stones that makes up the Pyramid of Ra.It has powerful magnetic qualities"

Dexter" That makes two of us"

All of us look at Dexter confused.

Museum Curator" It was sent away by a local collector years ago. But it slowly found its way back"

Sophia" Wow that's amazing"

Museum" Legend says he who completes the pyramid can claim all the gold of Ra himself"

Dexter" Gold? As in gold gold?"

Museum Curator" Generations have clawed their way towards this prize cheating, betraying, slaughtering each other to get the gold"

Dexter" That's just a fable, though, right?"

Museum Curator" Out!"

We all exit and the man closes the door bolting it shut.

Charlie" Well that was interesting"

Victor" Uh, time to go Anubis residents, this way, please. Thank you come along. Are we all here? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven okay on the coach"

Back at school Trudy had laid out a HUGE spread of food. Both Alfie and Kit are the first to make a beeline for the table of food. One thing I had learnt from living with Kit is that he loves food just as much as Alfie, he loved causing trouble in fact him,Alfie and Jerome had become the three musketeers. I remember that time when they set off an explosion in the science lab it was Kit's idea, that got them a months worth of detentions, then the time they sent a ball through the school window that got them four weeks worth of detentions.

Alfie" Oh, amazeballs, Trudes!"

Kit" Yes Trudy, food glorious food!"

Dexter" Oh, food! Yeah"

Jerome" Only for people who are graduating"

All of us rush towards the table, everyone pushing and shoving.

Charlie" Ow hey, don't push"

I hop onto the counter.

Trudy" Hey, you get off that counter"

She swipes me slightly with a dish towel smiling.

Charlie" Sorry Trudy"

Trudy" It's okay love"

Dad"Everybody, form a line, Now!"

I then look around, what was dad doing here. I go and stand over by Eddie.

Charlie" What's dad doing here?"

Eddie" I don't know"

Jerome" A little early for graduation, isn't it, Mr Sweet?"

Dad" An exhibit went "missing" during your museum visit"

Victor then strolls in, this could only get worse.

Victor" You heard Mr Sweet! There will be a bag check form a circle. Quickly!"

Kit" Okay, whoever's got it, can you just own up to it? I'm starving"

Eddie then nudges me and he pulls the stone from his bag.

Charlie" Eddie what are you doing with that?"

Story Notes
So after a museum visit The Twins, Dexter and Sophia learn about The Touchstone of Ra but when they arrive back Eddie finds it on his possession.

Authors Notes
Let me know what you think of this. I know it's short I'm just going by the breaks in film.


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