House of Sibuna

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Charlie's POV

The three of us rush upstairs and see Sophia standing in Victors office, judging by past instincts of Vera and Denby I didn't trust Sophia one bit.


Sophia" Oh, Eddie, thank goodness.What is that thing? And why does Victor want it? Eddie?"

Dexter"He wants the gold, the gold of Ra, like the museum dude said"

Twins" We need to hide this"

Eddie" You guys better stay in your rooms"

KT and I follow Eddie to his and Fabian's room and Eddie is holding the touchstone and is deciding where to hide it.

Charlie" Guys? We need to call a Sibuna meeting"

Sophia"A what? Sorry none of my business just didn't want to be alone and thought I could help maybe"

Eddie" Look Victor's gonna be back soon. Let's go to the cellar through the secret passage"

Sophia" I'm gonna you know"

KT" Come on"

I use my bracelet to open the oven and we crawl through to the basement. I stand up and brush myself off when we hear Victor and Dad, I see everyone scarper about trying to hide themselves.

Sophia" Secret passages? This place is amazing"

Victor" Ah It's already open Oh, look, Mr Sweet, someone's had a party and not invited us. Quite a feast"

Dad" Outrageous"

The lights then come back on filling the cellar with brightness and making it better to see everyone. Eddie and I are currently pressed up against the staircase, the others hiding way back.

Victor" Ah! The lights are back on perfect timing look what we have here, Mr Sweet, Hmm? Come on upstairs

I can just about see Dad who has found the two new girls under the table.

Dad" And look what I found"

Victor" As you are well aware, the cellar is strictly out-of-bounds come on.Quickly! Come on"

Above us I can hear everyone scarpering upstairs which just leaves Victor and Dad who have started discussing the stone. Victor at one point comes quite close to where we are hiding and we all lean back.

Victor" That Stone is part of the Pyramid of Ra"

Dad" Oh, yes, the one that's supposed to rain down gold"

Victor" Yes A century ago, an alchemist found four of the pyramid's stones. But the final one, the touchstone, belonged to the Master of this house"

I see they have now held up a newspaper.

Dad" It's Frobisher Smythe"

The name still sends chills down my spine and I just knew Eddie felt the same. I know it was not the real Frobisher Smythe but it still gave me goosebumps. I then feel Eddie slip his hand into mine like he knew.

Victor" Yes the alchemist wanted to join forces and share the gold, but Frobisher refused"

Dad" Why?"

Victor" When the pyramid is built, two human sacrifices are required. In exchange for Ra's gold Frobisher wouldn't hear of it so he sent the touchstone away. And buried the others somewhere in the grounds of this estate. I have searched for them many times over the years, but without success I knew this day would come"

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