Claire Miles

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Claire loved flying.
There was something about the bliss of sinking into a seat and staying there for hours on end that just really tickled her.
Strickland looked like he was going to stroke at any moment. She'd given him the window seat, which was where his eyes remained glued as they taxied up the runway, the engine becoming a dull roar outside the metal frame of the plane, and he dug his fingers into the fabric arm rests of his seat. The plane was dark, all the lights except the absolute necessary off. They were also the only two in the business class tonight, giving them peace and quiet. Finally feeling safe, knowing there was no way even the note in her pocket could hurt her, she settled in, reaching for her magazine. She'd already shown Corey how to plug in the earphones and select a song or movie from the screen on the back of the seat in front of them. There was even a map available, showing where the plane was and how long it would be until they landed.
If you switched to the right channel, there was a camera mounted in the cockpit, aimed out the window to allow a view of what the pilots could see.
Reaching over, she gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, promising, "You'll be okay."
He swallowed thickly, looking just as nervous as Claire felt to be going home, and stiffened when the plane began moving.
If Strickland hated racing in a car, then he was going to despise takeoff in a plane.
Claire grinned.
The faster the plane got, the more he was pushed back into his seat, Claire feeling the familiar weight settle around her.
This was bliss. This was where everything right clicked into place for her. The feeling of speed weighing her down, pulling her into her seat and forcing her to comply. She had always been a daredevil at heart, was the kind of person who would enjoy leaping from a plane with nothing but a parachute just to discover what it felt like to let herself fall.
Her heart raced a little in her chest with excitement, and Strickland let out a tiny gasp of discomfort, still watching as the ground peeled away from them outside, the plane tilting.
Within a couple minutes, they would be leaving Mid-City, and heading to Redwood.
She was going back to Redwood.
The thought dampened any joy from takeoff, even when she looked to the shock on Corey's face, the Officer looking over her and noticing her expression. This was real. She would be seeing her horrible family again.
She never should have gotten onto this plane.
Feeling the overwhelming urge to run, Claire shifted in her seat, Strickland squeezing her hand where it rested between them, murmuring, "I'm here with you, Claire."
Those words were more comforting than anything, even the pull of gravity against her body.
If only someone had been there to tell her that when she found herself coming to Mid-City at fourteen. Instead, she'd been alone and terrified, unsure of what kind of life would be awaiting her on the other end, but hoping for a new one all the same.
She gave him a nervous smile of her own. The plane began to even out, the seatbelt light going off, and a woman announced over the plane's intercom, "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for choosing Terra Flights. Tonight, we will be flying to Redwood City via plane E-34780. The journey will take six hours, and we should be making touchdown at one in the morning. Your Captains tonight are Captain Kaian and Captain Levi. Please pay attention as we present the safety procedures. Thank you." Corey watched intently, Claire mostly paying attention, having heard it all before.
An hour later, at eight, a flight attendant made her way down the aisle, pushing a cart and handing out blankets and pillows. Claire took two, handing a set to Corey, who had selected a movie and was watching it. He took it gratefully, folding it over his lap and returning to his movie.
The warmth of the blanket, which made her realise just how cold the air on the plane was, helped lull Claire into a drowsy sleep...

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