Claire Miles

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Eclipse was having some kind of mental breakdown. From where Claire was tied in her chair, reeking of sweat, mud and smoke, she could see him pacing just outside of the tarp room. He had been so hasty to get out of the small space that he'd left the door open, offering her a first glance at the building she was being kept in. She'd been here for three days now.
It was a warehouse. She could see rows of cars beyond Eclipse, which was where he was getting all the cars he drove, or offered for her to drive.
The building was clean and modern, built only recently. It probably belonged to someone who imported or exported cars in Mid-City.
Which meant Eclipse was either the owner of said business, or knew the owner, because he had no concerns about being caught here, or having her be discovered while he was at school.
It was just pathetic- her would-be killer was a teenager.
"What do I do? What do I do?! What do I DO?!" Eclipse bellowed, waving the gun wildly around. She only hoped he didn't accidentally shoot her in his anger.
He'd left the gag off her, but her throat was too hoarse for her to even consider screaming.
Instead, she called out to her kidnapper, "Are you in over your head?"
Claire had always been a smart-mouth. It'd gotten her into trouble with her parents and teachers countless times over the years. She wasn't a particular fan of authority, although Strickland had grown on her.
Eclipse swung to face her, and she immediately regretted saying anything. His eyes flicked over her body. Something like regret appeared, and he choked out pitifully, "I never intended it to go this far. I can't go back now, though. It's done. They're already dead and you're here and-" And he was rambling, reduced to panic.
He was still a kid, even if he was deadly-as-fuck. Teenagers were impulsive. 'Kill people impulsive', less commonly, but whatever had led up to him deciding to go on a killing spree was probably a part of that impulsivity.
Claire had no sympathy for him, but this was another chance to humanise herself to him.
"You could let me go," she bargained softly, "I am loaded with cash. I can give you enough to flee the country and start up wherever you want, if you let me and my friends go. The police would never find you."
Eclipse snorted, the fear and regret disappearing, and he snapped, "I'm not running like a coward!" He headed back into the room, opening his laptop once more and typing something out. Claire waited for the camera to start back up again, but nothing happened.
"Thursday will determine the winner. Either I'll be hauled away to jail, or you will die and I'll be on top for the first time ever! Nobody will forget me after this!"
Claire certainly wouldn't be forgetting him anytime soon. This was probably going to be burnt into the back of her mind forever...
Watching the killer storm out of the room, she shuddered.
If she survived it. 

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