Claire Miles

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Corey Strickland was an idiot. That much was known to Claire, but never in a million dreams would she have believed he would actually violate the law and chase her.
It felt like a movie scene, her foot slamming the pedal down, the smirk on her face when she looked in her rearview mirror and saw him changing gears in an effort to keep up with her, the blaring of his sirens, alerting people to their approach.
She had to give it to him, he had a decent enough car, and if he knew how to work it, he stood a shot at catching her. What a shame she knew how to work her car better.
He didn't stand a chance.
Her friends were never going to believe it when she rocked up to her university class having beaten a police officer in a chase. Most of them knew Corey, either from school, since Mid-City was less of a city and more of a town, or from Claire's stories about him. Her bestfriend, Maddy, was convinced they were locked in some sort of blood-feud, or perhaps sexual tension. She hadn't quite made up her mind which one it was yet.
The idea made Claire laugh, even now- She didn't want Corey for his body, although she had to admit he was fairly toned. She wanted to see just how high she could get that speedometer to read, since it was the only accurate way to keep track of her progress.
Nearing the corner, Claire grinned, spinning the wheel, locking her car into a drift, feeling the familiar drag of gravity on her body, pulling her against her seatbelt.
And then there was a 'BANG!' that shook the entire car, the world tipping, everything seeming to slow down for a split second, the shock and adrenaline catching up to her scrambled brain just in time for the top of the car to slam down on top of the road, the glass of her windshield smashing, her scream of surprise immediately outdone by the screaming of metal grating on concrete, her car sliding, upside-down, along the street before crashing to a stop in the ditch at the end of the road, her head slamming into the steering wheel...

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