Part 8: Epilogue

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We see GRU and BOWSER standing at the altar, exchanging their vows. They are both dressed in elegant suits, with Gru wearing a black tuxedo and Bowser wearing a white tuxedo with a red bowtie. The Mushroom Kingdom is in attendance, with Donkey Kong serving as the best man.

GRU: Bowser, from the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one for me. You may be a koopa king, but you have a heart of gold. I love you more than words can say.

BOWSER: Gru, you have brought light into my life when it was dark. You have challenged me to be a better person, and for that, I am forever grateful. I love you with all of my heart.

They exchange rings and share a kiss, officially becoming husband and husband. The Mushroom Kingdom cheers and claps as the newlyweds exit the church.



We see LUIGI standing at MARIO's grave, tears streaming down his face. He is wearing a black suit and a somber expression.

LUIGI: (to Mario's grave) Hey, bro. It's me, Luigi. I know it's been a while since I last visited, but I just couldn't bring myself to come. It's still so hard to believe that you're gone.

Luigi takes a deep breath and looks down at the flowers in his hand.

LUIGI: (to Mario's grave) I brought these for you. They're your favorite, remember? Red roses. You always used to say that they represented our eternal bond as brothers.

Luigi kneels down and places the flowers on Mario's grave, taking a moment to arrange them just so.

LUIGI: (to Mario's grave) I miss you so much, Mario. You were always there for me, no matter what. You were my rock, my support, my everything. And now, you're gone.

Luigi breaks down in sobs, unable to hold back his grief any longer. He leans his forehead against Mario's grave, feeling the cold stone against his skin.

LUIGI: (to Mario's grave) I don't know how I'm supposed to go on without you, Mario. But I promise, I will try. I will make you proud and carry on your legacy. I love you, bro. Rest in peace.



We see DONKEY KONG standing on a balcony, overlooking the Mushroom Kingdom. He is wearing a crown and a regal cape, looking every bit the benevolent leader he has become.

The kingdom is thriving under his rule, with citizens going about their business and smiling. Donkey Kong feels a sense of pride and accomplishment.

He thinks back to the dark days of the war and how he never could have imagined being in this position. But with the help of his friends and the rebuilding efforts, the Mushroom Kingdom is stronger than ever.

DONKEY KONG: (to himself) I never thought I could be a leader, but here I am. I promise to always put the needs of my kingdom and its people first.



We see COLONEL SANDERS and the SUSPICIOUSLY SHORT APE sitting at the bar, enjoying some drinks. The Colonel is wearing his signature white suit and the Ape is wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans.

COLONEL SANDERS: (to the Ape) I have to say, I never thought I'd be enjoying a drink with a Suspiciously Short Ape in a dive bar in Tijuana.

SUSPICIOUSLY SHORT APE: (to the Colonel) It's not every day that a Colonel and an Ape can sit and have a drink together in peace.

COLONEL SANDERS: (to the Ape) That's true. After all the battles we've been through, it's nice to relax and just enjoy each other's company.

SUSPICIOUSLY SHORT APE: (to the Colonel) Cheers to that.

They clink their glasses and take a sip of their drinks. The Colonel looks out at the bustling city of Tijuana and smiles.

COLONEL SANDERS: (to the Ape) Who knows what adventures are in store for us next.

SUSPICIOUSLY SHORT APE: (to the Colonel) As long as we're together, I'm sure we can handle anything that comes our way.



We see LUIGI sitting in his apartment, looking depressed. He is staring at a picture of him and his brother MARIO. The war has ended, but Luigi is struggling to find his place in the world without his brother by his side.

Suddenly, his phone rings. Luigi picks it up and sees that it's a call from DARTH MAUL.

LUIGI: (into phone) Hello?

DARTH MAUL: (on phone) Hey Luigi, it's Darth Maul. How are you holding up?

LUIGI: (into phone) Not great, to be honest. I miss my brother a lot.

DARTH MAUL: (on phone) I know it's tough, but you can't dwell on the past. You need to move forward. I want to invite you to a party I'm having. It will be a great opportunity for you to meet some new people and have some fun.

LUIGI: (into phone) I don't know, Darth Maul. I'm not really in the mood for a party.

DARTH MAUL: (on phone) Come on, Luigi. It will be good for you. Plus, I have someone I want you to meet. She's a really nice girl and I think you two will hit it off.

LUIGI: (into phone) Alright, I'll come.

DARTH MAUL: (on phone) Great! I'll see you at the party.

LUIGI hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath. He knows that moving on will be hard, but he's determined to try.



We see COLONEL SANDERS and the SUSPICIOUSLY SHORT APE sitting at the bar, enjoying some drinks. Suddenly, they both turn to the camera and break the fourth wall.

COLONEL SANDERS: (to the camera) Hey there, reader! I hope you enjoyed our story.

SUSPICIOUSLY SHORT APE: (to the camera) Yeah, it was a lot of fun. But we have some exciting news to share.

COLONEL SANDERS: (to the camera) That's right. We're getting our own series!

SUSPICIOUSLY SHORT APE: (to the camera, surprised) Really? The author must really like me.

COLONEL SANDERS: (to the camera) I guess the Suspiciously Short Ape is more popular than we thought.

SUSPICIOUSLY SHORT APE: (to the camera, excited) I can't wait to see what adventures we'll go on next.


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