Ch. 2 - Coffee

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I calmly steered my bike over to the edge of the café and parked it. Lucky for me, the shop was tiny and cozy. Not many people entered it, which really was a shame because they had such yummy pastries and coffee here. But, I wasn't complaining. It was nice and quiet. I stepped swiftly over to the glass door, admiring the large chalkboard that hung in the window to my right which to the newest specials in bright chalk letters. I pushed the door open and heard the bell above my head ring once. I noticed at first all the people there. I saw one man at a small table to my left, enjoying his own coffee, and a girl at the front behind a glass container which held all of the delicious treats at her knees. Only two of them. Not to mention the employees in the back, which I heard but could not see. I sighed, but started forward. I guess since there wouldn't be a long line then I could contemplate on what I wanted to order. I stopped when I heard the bell ring again behind me. I turned, and was a little surprised to find Takashi standing alone and staring at me shyly. I raised an eyebrow. I moved over to him, and he kinda hid behind his hair even more. "Hey, Takashi. What are you doing?" I waited for his reply. He spoke quietly, since there were more people in the room now. "I-I, kinda dropped your....wallet...back at the school....." My eyes lightened up in understanding. I nodded. "Oh, thanks! I didn't even realize it." He handed over my thin leather wallet, and I thankfully took it. My fingers brushed against his, surprisingly cold skin. I held my wallet in both my hands and shifted my weight onto my other foot. "Uh, want a coffee? I'll buy, since you brought my money back. Hehe....I hope it wasn't too much trouble." He looked around, then at me. "No, it wasn't...Only....I don't coffee...." Takashi's voice kept coming out in a whisper. I was shocked. "Seriously?? How is that even possible?! Coffee is awesome!" I laughed. His face stayed blank. I thought for a minute. "...well what do you like?" Takashi shoved his hands in his pockets and thought for himself. He looked around me, but no one seemed to even notice we were there. "...w-what chocolate?" I was about to comment on how strange that sounded, but instead I just nodded and turned around to order.

When we had our drinks, I waved Takashi over to sit with me at a table. I sat down and he hesitantly took a chair, too. I took a big drink of my creamy vanilla coffee. Oh, good.... I placed my mug on the table with a click, and looked up at Takashi. He was hunched there slightly, his legs crossed and his head low. He had the rim of his own mug pressed to his lips. He sipped quietly at his hot chocolate and stared out the window to my right and his left. I studied his face. His cheeks were slightly flushed pink, and whenever he moved his cup away, his lips were wet with the sweet drink. I let out a silent laugh and grasped my own cup again. It was warm against my skin. To break the awkward silence, I thought up a conversation. "Do you like it?" I smiled at him. Takashi looked at me, the corners of his mouth turning up just barely. And I mean that if you didn't look, you would've never noticed. "Yes, thank you....Ren." I chuckled kindly, hearing him use my name. "You're very welcome." His cheeks turned an even deeper pink and he looked away, his tiny smile increasing an inch. "Hey....why are you so quiet? I mean, if you don't mind me asking....I don't wanna be rude or anything. Just curious...." His smile faded and he glanced at me, then back to the window. "...oh.....i-it's nothing, really.....I just.....don't normally like a crowd.....or, really, one stranger.....I'm just not social...." I looked down at my cup. "Oh. Okay. Sorry if I'm making you nervous or uncomfortable, I guess." He looked back into my eyes. "N-no....I meant, that's don't....." I looked over at the floor. "So, like me?" I looked back up and saw his wide brown eyes and deep red cheeks. I almost laughed, but I did smile. He opened his mouth slightly and sunk back even more. "I-I, umm....." He squeaked. I smiled, and blushed slightly. "...friends, I mean?" Takashi's eyes snapped over to me, and I swear I almost saw the look in his eyes that made him want to face-palm. "U-uh.....sure......." Then, he placed his mug into the table and put his hands in his lap. I took one last sip of my coffee, then slid two dollars onto the table for a tip. I stood and Takashi hesitated. I stepped over to him. "Well, this was nice. I'd better get going though....I gotta see if my sister got the news about the delay. If I had a car, I'd offer you a ride, but...." I trailed off but gave him a kind smile. Takashi looked up at me. "...yeah....thank you for the drink, though...." I looked away. "I hope we can do this again sometime. I'd like to get to know you....and maybe some of my loudness will rub off on you." I laughed, and he giggled quietly. That made me smile even more. Something tells me that he doesn't really laugh I'm glad that I got to hear it. "Oh, and thanks again, Takashi...for bringing my wallet to me. It was really kind of you." "You're welcome, Ren....." He said, little above a whisper this time. I looked down at him. He smiled fully at me now. Either he was happy, or it was because the other customer had gone and the lady from the front had gone to the back with the others, leaving us alone together. Or both. I was just glad that he didn't seem so alone, I suppose..

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