Ch. 53 - Singing In The Shower

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(A/N: HEY. For the future, I just wanted to let you all know, I lost inspiration for a yuri story. INSTEAD, yaoi has captured my heart and I shall write another!! X3 get ready! (for that, AND either one-shots for this story, or a truth or dare for the characters ;) if I can, BOTH.) Also, there's...well.....I don't know if I would call it content, I guess. Lol, enjoy! - Hanihato)

(Takashi's POV)

I flicked on the light and scanned the bathroom. It wasn't too small. It had a walk in shower, which was square and had a white curtain. A sink sat on the wall a few feet in front of the toilet, and a mirror above the sink.

I glanced at Ren, who was staring at me. I blushed furiously. "W-what?..." I asked him. He blinked, green eyes sparkling. "Nothing. I'm sorry....I....just missed your face......" My cheeks tingled and I looked away, at the shower. I felt like a loser without a comment. I held onto his arm, which was familiarly warm.

I pulled him slowly to the shower and let him lean against the wall whilst I adjusted the water temperature. When it was perfect, I blushed even more at the next thing to do. "...w-will me?......" Ren asked. I sensed the nervousness in his voice. I tried to avoid his eyes directly. "...s-sure...." I muttered.

I moved my hands up to his baggy navy shirt. I gripped it and pulled slightly, making him move his arms and pull it off completely. His chest was still as perfect and warm looking as I remembered it to be. I blinked, tossing the shirt awkwardly onto the edge of the sink. I did this to my shirt too.

"'t have to be nervous......" Ren murmured to me under the sound of the shower. I blushed even more. "I-I'm always nervous around you....." I replied, then hesitantly moved my hands down to his knee-high grey shorts. I awkwardly pulled them down and off, Ren's hands on my shoulders to steady himself. My ears burned and I took off his boxers.

I pried my eyes from his naked figure and worked on my own jeans, pulling them off and stepping over to the sink to set them away. I removed my boxers and blushed way harder. I also slipped off my rings, placing them gently and carefully at the edge.

I turned to a blushing red Ren, his wide eyes on the floor. My chest tingled and I stepped over. I grabbed his hand and he hesitantly let me lead him into the shower. I closed the curtain and turned to see him leaned against a wall, panting. My heart thudded. "....d-do you.....w-want to sit down?...." I asked. His eyes found mine and I stiffened. "" Ren ordered.

I didn't hesitate to step over. A bit of water sputtered onto my left side and I got closer to him. Ren's hands gripped my shoulders and he surprised me by pulling me in to kiss. My eyes fluttered. He was still as strong as he was before the surgery. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and heat rose throughout my body. Ren pulled me against him and I blushed crimson.

I moaned and we broke away for air. I panted and he did too, sighing. I blinked and his hand cupped my cheek. I licked my lips and he smiled slightly. ".....this all feels so surreal...." He murmured. I studied his eyes. "...I guess I understand, Ren. A little, maybe....."

"Hey," he smiled wider. "when this is all over, and I'm better.....I want to go out with you." I raised my eyebrows. "...w-what do you mean...?" I asked him. He giggled a bit. "I mean....I want to go out on a date. Okay?....but.....the dance doesn't count......" I smiled a little. "O....okay....that sounds nice...." I whispered to him. Ren stroked my cheek then moved my hair out of the way, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I blushed and moved onto him more.

My entire lower half started to burn and I quickly retracted. "U-uh..." I grunted, looking away embarrassed. Ren laughed. "I'm...sorry....." He said. I looked back up at him. "Huh?...f-for what?...." He smiled slightly. "....not being able to return the favor at the moment......" My blushing increased, if that was even possible at the moment.

"....I'm too weak right now....but I'll be better soon.....then I can pleasure you.....Takashi......" The way he said that reminded me of the dream I had. I sighed, then looked up at him. I blushed hard. "....i-it's okay......don't worry about it......" I smiled again and took in a breath. "Well, we should wash now." He agreed with a single nod.

With that, I slowly moved under the water and ran my hands through my hair as it caught the wet warmth. Before I moved out, I felt Ren's cold hands on my bare chest. I shivered, more in surprise. He ran his fingers along, making my breaths hitch. "R...Ren...." I muttered. "...I don't want to tease you.....I just....." Ren mumbled closer to me. I smiled, moving out of the water and wiping my eyes. I opened them to see his perfect face.

".....I love you....." I murmured. He grinned and moved in to kiss my lips once. "...I love you, too...." He whispered. I smiled wider and hugged him, despite the awkwardness of being fully naked. I didn't care.

At least I had my Ren back.

I then moved him over, under the warm water. His skin was cold, and I was sure he didn't wet his bandage. Ren moaned lightly. I blushed furiously. He smiled, peering at me. "...warm...." He hummed. My heartbeat increased. I then moved around and found a pink soap bar. I grabbed it and lathered it between my hands, then put it down and turned to Ren.

He moved over to me, nearly towering over. Kinda. I squeaked, putting my hands on his chest and rubbing. He started humming. My chest tingled and I soon realized the tune. A moment later, Ren begun singing the "Just A Dream" cover by Sam Tsui. I started panting at the feeling his soft and smooth voice was giving me, with each of the lyrics he sung. I blushed, moving closer and washing his soft stomach. I forced myself to meet his eyes.

"....I was thinking about you....thinking about me....thinking about us....what we're gonna be.....opened my was only just a dream~....."

I moved both my hands down and began washing his warm member. My cheeks were hot, but I didn't take our little shower more further than it already was. Suddenly, he stopped singing. I blinked, but stiffened when he kissed me hard.


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