Ch. 27 - Good Friends

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"Bye, sis." I waved at Yuka as we parted ways. She had drove me to school that morning, after insisting on it. More like begging....

I heard her lock the car behind me as I headed into the building. I walked past crowds of people, toward my class. I remembered what'd happened when I first met Takashi.....a smile found its way onto my lips.

I stepped down an empty hall, hands in my pockets, trying to find warmth together. I looked around as I stepped into class. Only a couple students were there, and a few looked at me funny.

I moved over to my seat at the back of the class, then heard a familiar voice behind me. "Hey, Ren!" I grinned, turning to find my friend, Keita.

His sandy blond hair fell mostly in front of his right and baby blue eye, and he crossed his arms over his chest. I noticed the little silver loop earring around his left earlobe, and he was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a black and red striped shirt with long sleeves.

He had a toothy grin as he studied my face. "Hi, Keita. What's up?" I replied. He leaned a hip on my desk. "What's up with me? What's up with you? How come you haven't talked to me in a while?" I shrugged. "I've been busy. You know me...." He laughed.

" you think we could talk somewhere more private later?" At his question, I raised an eyebrow, but after a second I nodded. "Yeah, alright. What about lunch? I mean, we could find an empty table away from people....or--" "Yeah, that's great. I'll talk to you then, okay?"

I was about to speak, but then the bell rang. He flashed me a smile and playfully punched my shoulder, giving a wink as he headed to his seat. I felt uneasy for a minute, but then sat down and sighed it off. For the rest of the class, I just zoned out.


"Ren? You listening?" I shook my head, snapping out of my daze. "Oh! Yeah, yeah. I am...." Keita chuckled. "Sheesh, you look like you did in history." I laughed at his joke, rubbing my thumbs together in my sleeves on the lunch table.

I now held my own hands as we talked. " you.....not wanna talk about it?....I don't wanna be rude, I'm just kinda curious." He asked, tossing a red apple between his palms.

I sighed, giving a weak smile. "It's fine. I kinda just found out about two days ago, so....the feeling's new to me. I don't really know how to deal with it." He gave a kind smile. "Oh. Well, I know you'll be fine in the end, bro." I chuckled, until he reached over an inch and put his hand on my sleeve.

His eyes met mine, and my breath got stuck in my throat. My body felt frozen, even though he wasn't even touching my skin. "I'm here for you no matter what, Ren." Keita said softly.

I forced out a fake laugh, sticking him a shaky thumbs up. "I know....heh...."

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