Ch. 47 - Into Surgery

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(Ren's POV)

After the little shocking scene with Takashi, and cleaning the empty room, we both wobbly made it back to the waiting room. Our faces were scarlet as we appeared, looking ridiculously flustered at a pissy and nervous Yuka.

"Dammit, Ren! They already called for you once...." Her face instantly fell and she ran over and hugged me. I blushed harder, feeling the most awkward, since I'd just recently been pleasured.

Takashi flushed more, looking away and letting his eyes fall. "'s okay. I understand you're probably nervous. I'm sorry for being me." Yuka finished. I cracked up, pushing her away. "...n-no....I-I'm not nervous at a-all....h-hmfh..!..." I couldn't contain my laugh, until Takashi shot me a menacing glare. Yuka just raised a brow and I crossed my arms.

", then...." I began quietly, clearing my throat. I looked up at Yuka and Takashi. " this it?..." I asked. Their eyes widened and Takashi's lips parted. "Huh?!...u-uh...y-you're going to be in and out of there, you hear me?? I don't want you to have any negative thoughts, okay?!" Yuka pushed. I chuckled. "Y'know, all I meant by that is; is it time for me to go into surgery now? Sheesh...."

Yuka laughed nervously. "I-I know..." She answered, rubbing the back of her neck. I looked at Takashi, who's back was now facing me. He ran a hand through his dark hair. I moved over, gripping his shoulders. He gasped quietly as I pulled him back onto my chest and hugged him. I moved down to his ear. " seem more nervous than I am, love....." The red blush practically radiated hotly from his glowing cheeks.

I smiled. "I'll be right back, guys." Yuka said, walking over to the front desk again. I just stayed still with Takashi. The room was even emptier than it was when we had arrived. "....I.....I'm just nervous for you. That's all......" His voice seemed weak. I sighed, my smile falling. "Hmm....should I give you an encouraging speech this time?...." He giggled, putting his hands over mine.

"I'm good, thanks." He answered. I thought for a second. "....I can't believe you Takashi." I started, smiling and closing my eyes. "Huh?" He breathed, looking back and up at me. "I mean....when I met you. You were so shy and tried to run away from me. I didn't understand. Well, until I got to know you. After that, when you opened up, you acted so sweet, caring, concerned, emotional, loving.....I could go on and on....." I murmured. I saw his blush this time and his eyes met mine.

I smiled sweetly. "....what I'm saying're simply the most amazing person I've ever met.......and I love you........" I pressed a kiss to his crimson cheek and moved away. Takashi turned and looked at me. "...I-I love you...too...." He said quietly. We both smiled. Until I felt Yuka give my shoulder a tap.

I turned to my sister and she gave a half, depressing smile. "....ready?" She asked me quietly. I frowned, sighing and aiming my head down. ".....I....g-guess so......" I answered nervously. I then felt Takashi grasp my hand and I looked over at him with a little smile. We blushed, then Yuka motioned for me to follow her.

A moment later, the three of us stood at two large doors, which could only be operated by a certain item owned by each of the doctors. I guess that, anyway..... I stared at Yuka and my

Yuka smiled, moving up and ruffling my hair affectionately. "Don't you worry, little brother. You'll be out before you know it. I love you." I smiled back, giving her a quick hug. "Love you too, sis. See you soon." I glanced at the nurse waiting on me from behind. I then moved to Takashi for a moment.

I smiled down at him and he gave me a nervous, wide eyed look. I smiled sweeter and moved a hand up to brush his hair out of his face. I leaned down and pressed a lingering and warm kiss to the center of his forehead. When I moved away, his cheeks were crimson again. I stroked his cheek, then shoved my hand in my pocket. "I love you." I said, then looked into his eyes. He didn't say a word, and he didn't have to. Tears were brimming his eyes, and I didn't want to see him cry. So, I turned after saying goodbye.

The doors opened and I followed the nurse, only looking back to wave at Takashi and Yuka. We headed down a few halls silently, until she smiled at me. "That your little brother?" She asked. I smirked, shaking my head. My chest tingled and I sighed shakily.

"Nah. He's my boyfriend...."

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