Ch. 15 - Daydream

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(A/N: Short chapter ;3 - Hanihato)

(Ren's POV)

"You think that maybe we're rushing into this?..." Takashi stammered. I simply smiled at him. "No. Even though we're in a relationship, we can still get to know each other.....and I know I won't be leaving you any time soon....." He blushed underneath me, his hands holding mine as I pressed him down on the bed. He looked cute without a shirt.....

I blushed, remembering what we'd done last night. I tried to keep a straight face, and my eyes on the road. My smile kept appearing, and disappearing at the thought. Not that I wasn't happy. I was ecstatic. Just....deep in intimate thought.....

I began to unzip his jeans, receiving a nervous gasp from my new boyfriend. I smiled, looking up at him. With a free hand that I'd released, he was covering his mouth and nose, squinting at me with those brown eyes. I lowered my eyes. "Don't worry, Takashi." I purred. He closed his eyes, trembling. "...j-just....d-don't....m-make it feel...bad....." The boy struggled to get out, and I could tell he was flustered and embarrassed as he blushed at me. I sighed a happy sigh through my nose. "I won't hurt you. I promise....I'll do it as slow and gentle as you want."

My entire face heated up as I steered to my house. When I got there, I put a hand to my mouth. My heart pounded and my trembling giggles were building up. I held them in, thinking about how dorky I must've looked. I hopped off my bike and strode into the house, closing the door and locking it. The sun had begun to set and I was a bit sleepy. I spotted Yuka in the kitchen and I greeted her as she opened the oven.

"H-hey, sis." My voice came out trembling, and I mentally face-palmed. She turned. "Oh, hey! What's up with you? Did you bring Takashi with you?" I raised an eyebrow. "Uhm...I just got here, and no. I didn't...." She sighed. "Oh, okay. I'm making pizza, so just go wash up or something." I nodded, hurrying upstairs. A thought stopped me. "Uh....hey, Yuka...." She looked up at me. "Yeah?" I smiled on the inside. "Would you mind if Takashi came over tomorrow night?" She smiled. "Not at all! It'll be fun, if you don't hog all of him!" I blushed hard. "W-what?! I don't do that! Shut up..." Then I stomped upstairs, hearing Yuka's voice as I entered the bathroom. "Whatever!!!"

The night went on boring. And all I could think about was Takashi. Although, to my dismay, he wouldn't be available to spend a night. I was sad, but still happy with how things were going. Life really couldn't get better. It made me proud to be me. And I was proud to be with him.

I was even happy when Monday came, despite my hatred for doctors and hospitals.....

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