The diamond heist misson part 1

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A/n Forgot to note my new updated ocBre/Lunar<3 is also great at roasting so watch out bring ice or heal burns! im also trying my best to make the yn character unisex meaning anyone of any gender can read them for example trans or non binary etc.
Everyone was downstairs talking i was in my room drawing ( Insert here what you want to draw)
My drawing was coming out great until i was called out downstairs by L
"Yn come downstairs i need you to meet someone to dicuss something important meet me in room 102 Please" "Coming!" i bring both of my detective and drawing notebooks.You never know when the case needs a little art! i began heading to room 102

when i arrived i saw a masked women sitting in a chair next to L she had a black hoodie with white strings.
She had a backpack full of masks and other important items Who is this lady and why is she with my lover i thought "Ryuzaki who is this are you cheating on me?" L laughs "No Yn im not cheating on you i'd like you to meet my old friend Lunar<3" oh she is just a friend thankgoodness i turned to women with a black wolf Mask"Hello my prefered name is Lunar<3 and i do agree your ryuzaki is quite a handsome man" "Hi nice to meet you Lunar<3 im Yn" Lunar<3 looked around and noticed one of Yn's notebooks "Do you like to draw aswell?"
"Yes i do would you like to see?"
I show Lunar<3 the drawing i was working on "These drawings look great" Lunar<3 pulled out her small notebook "I usually dont carry my notebook in my backpack alot but today i didnt realize i had it in here"

In the notebook there were drawings of many animals Rats, Lions, wolves, sometimes even drawings of L or fictional characters like demons and angels. "I like your drawings alot too Lunar<3 perphaps we can also be friends?" she smiled "sure"

"as much as i see you two already becoming great friends this isnt why i called the both of you here" L began speaking "i called you both here today for a important misson" "I almost forgot!" Lunar<3 digs into her backpack handing me a japanese mask of (Insert your desired animal or creature mask) "I usually use this because i hate showing my face" "but since kira has been around its safe if you use this" "Thank you Lunar<3"

"It has been reported that a Diamond musem in japan has been robbed i need you two to recover the lost treasures" "i also need you Lunar<3 to be on the look out for infomation like a spy you too yn any infomation send it to me"

"Yes sir!" we both said "Great the reason i am sending the both of you on this misson is because the theifs who stole these valuables i believe have something else up their sleeves" they are different from your usual robbery"

"I believe they want to lure kira to find them so they can work with him or her" "That does sound right i mean why would someone want these treasures if you can buy them at walmart" Lunar<3 replied L and i laughed "If that was the case Lunar<3 why didnt they think of that" Yn asked "Not sure but i have tools for you and Lunar<3" L gave out the items I recived a wristband that looked like a watch and Lunar recived a necklace
"Thank Ryuzaki" both us thanked the panda man "Stay safe Lunar stay safe Yn" L kissed Yn on cheek before staring directly at Lunar "If you dont come back with Yn alive you'll turn into Lunar<3 juice" "Yes sir ill protect Yn with all my strength and we will suceed this misson alive!" Both detectives Highfived in the air excitedly meaning they promised both the strong detectives would rock the misson alive they would do it with confidence.

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