L's first halloween part 5

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It was time to head downstairs i was walking down the stairs until i almost tripped on my dress.
But Matsuda helped me just in time arriving to the main lobby to celebrate the birthday boy's birthday and halloween.
"Yay!" Misa hugged me unexpectedly
"Everyone is all here" Misa jumped with joy "Expect the young master ill go get him" Watari replied "Master L something is waitting for you downstairs" L was off on a other planet staring into the computer screens "Great Watari but can you bring up here" "Im afarid not sir you'll  have to come with me blindfolded"

"Alright" L said without agruing with Watari and acepted being blind folded
Watari brought the young man downstairs "Ryuzaki we are here" Watari takes the blindfold off L's eyes

"SUPRISE!!!" Misa almost yells in L's ears everyone says Happy birthday Ryuzaki L was crying tears of joy "Whats the matter L why so sad?" i asked "Oh im not sad Yn" he smiled
"Im filled with joy" L couldnt stop smiling he looked around the room it was decorated with happy birthday balloons and halloween decorations.
"So Ryuzaki which is it cake or gifts?" Matsuda asked "Matsuda i think you already know the answer" i responded back to Matsuda Everyone laughed including L "Actually i 'd like to open my gifts first" L opended his gifts one by one until it was Yn's gifts. He couldnt help but look into Yn's eyes beyond her eyes he saw a world that world would be his world aswell. Somday L was falling in love slowly but he didnt realize it. "Thank you Yn i love these gifts especially the sign how long did this take you?" "about half an hour maybe painting it was hard" Watari smiled "How about we cut the cake and began the scary movies with Misa" "Yes i agree cake sounds good" L said in a tired yet still excited tone everyone huddled up to the couch. Yn and L were alone together at the birthday table "Happy birthday L" "Thank you Yn" they looked at each other for a long time "You look very beautiful Princess Yn but there is one thing i have to say to you Yn" "What is it L?" "I think ive fallen for you" he blushed before smiling "But umm lets go join the others shall we Yn?"
L was very flustered and shy "Alright Ryuzaki" i smiled back at L making him even more shy L sat down on the second couch. i mumbled "cute" from far way before sitting next to him i still suprised by L's confession we snuggled close onto the couch watching (insert scary movie).

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