Chapter 1

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September 1st, 1969

6 Years Later

Amidst the wild and crowded platform marked 9 ¾, was a pale family dressed in all black. Sirius stood tall facing his two parents and his younger brother, giving his farewells before he left for his first year of school at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "Remember, you are from the noble house of Black. Do not think that because you are not home, you can act any way you wish. We have a name to uphold" Sirius nodded and gave his father a firm handshake before turning to his mother. Walburga looked cold but Sirius saw the warmth in her eyes when she looked at him. "Be good and do well my son" Again he nodded then gave a curt bow before turning to his little brother, who was frowning, tears threatening to spill. "Father, might I have a moment alone with my brother?" Orion gave a curt nod before turning and walking a few paces away, to another family, making their rounds of hellos. Sirius sighed before he felt Regulus jump onto him in a rough hug. Sirius held on to the small boy for a few beats, lifting him off the ground, before placing him back down. "Do you have to go Siri? Can you just stay home another year?" Regulus's voice was thick with sadness. The boys have never been separated a day in their lives so this was a big change for both of them. "You know Father would never let me do that. It's time for me to go. We prepared for this Reggie and besides you're doing so well. You'll be fine" Regulus wiped his eyes, face already getting puffy. Since his diagnosis with deafness, Regulus has been on the brute end of their father's anger. There was no explanation as to why he was born this way and that infuriated the head of the house more. Regulus was put into tedious speech lessons so when time came for him to leave home for school, he could pass for hearing. It was working well, the boy rarely spoke at events and when he needed to, he had Sirius beside him to keep him grounded so he didn't panic. Now with him leaving, Regulus felt pure fear. Regulus's breath began to quicken and he started feeling a tight pain in his chest. He didn't know what he was going to do. What if he messed up a word? What if his pronunciation Sirius rubbed Regulus's back in small circular motions to calm him down. Regulus had moments like these a lot. Whether it be during his speech lessons or after a meeting with their father, he almost always had a moment where he felt as though he was going to shrivel up and die. Yet Sirius was always there to calm him down and remind him that he was there. Sirius was his constant. "I'll be home by Christmas, Reggie. Don't worry. Just don't forget to practise from that book we found, ok? I'll be doing the same at school so hopefully we'll have our own special way of talking" A month back on a trip to their Uncle Phineas's home, the boys were scouring the library and had found a book of languages with hand movement that resembled words. The boys were intrigued with the book and stole it from the library to study further. They were fascinated! The one language could be translated into any language they already knew! The boys read and practised every night with hopes of being able to use the hand language. Needless to say, they were passionate. Regulus nodded and gave one final hug to Sirius before their parents returned to their sides. With a final knowing nod between the brothers, Sirius bowed to his family then turned and stepped onto the train. 

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