Chapter 2

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Sirius walked down the long hallway full of compartments before settling into the one all the way at the end to the left. A couple moments passed before he heard the blaring whistle, signalling their departure. Looking round the empty compartment, Sirius thought about looking for his cousin, Andromeda, but decided against it. While he would have loved to spend time with her, she was most likely with her friends or her sisters, Bellatrix and Narcissa. Sirius didn't mind Narcissa, they never had any problems, but Bellatrix? She was quite a lot, to be frank. The two never got along and Bella always picked on him and Reggie. She was just a rather unpleasant being. Sirius stared out the window watching the colours shift from hues of green and brown to blues with white streaks. A knock came and a lanky boy with scars slid the door open.

"Excuse me, could I sit with you? The other compartments are rather full and it's mayhem looking for a seat out here" Sirius looked at the boy before nodding and gesturing the seat across from him. The boy, grateful to finally sit, took the seat and looked out the window. "I'm Remus by the way. Remus Lupin" The boy looked back at Sirius and held a hand out. Sirius thought for a second before taking his hand in a firm shake. "Sirius Black" The boy smiled before fiddling with something on his ear. Sirius studied the boy for a moment. His hair was curly yet tame and a bright honey coloured blonde. He had big greenish brown eyes which seemed to have a slight yellow glow around the iris. Freckles splattered across his face like paint and scars covered his nose and chin as well as whatever skin Sirius could see. Remus was wearing an oversized brown jumper that seemed to devour him in its soft looking fabric and worn out jeans with small patchwork done on the knees and around the hems. Sirius finally looked up back to the boy to notice him wiping two pieces of unfamiliar material attached to a small black cord. "I don't mean to be rude or anything but what is that?" Sirius asked, nodding to the device in Remus's hand. The boy looked up from wiping the device then held it up for a better view. "It's my cochlear implant" Sirius leaned forward, intrigued. "What does it do?" "It helps me hear better" Remus stated, moving closer in the seat and turning his head to give the pale boy a better view. He pushed some of his curls to the side, revealing a little shaven spot before attaching the device to his ear and clipping the round part to his head. " A muggle doctor created it and my mum took me to get one since I'm hard of hearing" Sirius's eyebrows flew up. Hard of hearing?! "Wait so you can not really hear without that machine?" "No, not really. I got into an accident when I was young and it left me with little to no hearing ability" Remus shrugged. "That is so cool! My brother is deaf and we just found a muggle book of languages that use hands to speak!" Sirius exclaimed before clamping a hand over his mouth. He had told someone Regulus's secret. He took the lanky boy's hands in his own and urged the boy to look at him. "Remus, you can't tell ANYONE what I just told you. I wasn't even supposed to tell you but it just came out. Please do not tell anyone about my brother. The consequences for that would be deadly" Sirius pleaded. Remus wanted to laugh, but the look of pure terror in the other boy's eyes let him know this was not a joke. Remus nodded and made a motion as if zipping his mouth shut before locking it and handing the imaginary key to Sirius. "Your secret is safe with me, Sirius" Sirius looked at the boy, searching for any sign of dishonesty, before taking the imaginary key and letting out a breath of relief. "I do have to ask, why is it such a secret? He's only deaf" Sirius sighed. "My family is the Noble house of Black. We think ourselves next to royalty, and have the image to uphold. When Reggie was born and discovered to be deaf, my Father assumed the healer had cursed him. When we learned that his deafness wasn't anyone's fault and couldn't be fixed, my dad swore that no one would ever find out. Merlin pray anyone would find out and assume our family was losing power. My father would absolutely kill me" Sirius shook at the thought of what his father would do. Remus nodded. "Not to be rude but your family is weird" He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. Sirius chuckled too. "Honestly, yeah. I mean we're all named after stars and constellations so I'm past the point of no return" Sirius laughed. 

The two boys spoke for a while before another boy barged into the compartment, slamming the door shut and scrambling under Sirius's seat. "Don't let anyone know I'm here!" He shouted. A moment later 3 older boys and a girl marched up to the compartment and slammed the door open again. "Oi you two seen a specky lil git? We saw him run this way" One of the boys barked. Sirius and Remus looked at each other and faked confusion. "We haven't seen anyone. You could try the bathrooms. Maybe they ran in there?" Remus shrugged. The four teens looked at each other before leaving the compartment, huffing and grumbling. The boy crawled out from under the seat and dusted himself off. "Thank you both. I tossed a stink bomb in their room and the girl saw my face before I could run like Hell. Merlin, I'm out of breath" the boy took a second to catch his breath before standing upright and holding his hand out to the other two. "I'm James Potter and you two are?" "Remus Lupin and this is Sirius Black" The boys all shook hands. "Pleasure. Mind if I hang around with you lot? I would rather not get caught and turned to mash before we get to school" The two boys nodded and James sat down. "Thanks again by the way. I really saw my life flash before my eyes!" James fanned his face exaggeratedly. "Well that would've been quite the little life? No girlfriend, no Quidditch World Champion? Horribly sad indeed" Sirius raised an eyebrow, amused at the boy's antics. "Well, if it were me, I would've had someone near me before I threw the bomb, leaving them confused on who did it" Sirius thought aloud. James smirked. "Wanna help me do it next time then?" He held out a hand to the pale boy. Sirius looked at his hand before looking into the other boy's brown eyes, gleaming with mischief. "I'm in" The boys shook hands. "Now this right here is going to be a fine partnership if I do say so myself. Hey Remus, you want in on this?" James wiggled his eyebrows playfully. Remus shook his head and chuckled. "Oh please, the chance to get caught in your plans? I'm going to pass" Remus chuckled again before looking out the window. "Ok well offer's always open" James shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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