chapter 14

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~~~ The course of true love never did run smooth. ~~~

^^^ The Indian delight ^^^

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Right now we all were seated on the dining table with our dishes full of Indian food, which I prefer over pizza any day. I inhaled the aroma of the food which my mom made with her own hands, sometimes I think she has got some kind of hidden magic in her hand that makes normal food so tasty.

Okay, I might just think of thanking Christopher for his sudden appearance, because his arrival was the reason of this deliciously mouth watering plate of food in front of me consisting of Undiyu, puri, salad, dhokla, patra, raita, daal, rice, papad, fried green chilly, gathiya in namkeen, shrikhand in dessert and last but not the least buttermilk. When it comes to food I never compromise, nope not even in heaven. A cough brought me out of my food love story and turned around only to see Christopher was looking at his plate like what-the-hell-is-this.?

Of course., He had never eaten or even seen this kind of huge meal coincide of spicy, oily, sugary and all the fattening substance together in his plate all together. My poor mom! she did a lot of endeavour in making all this. But being an Indian mom that she is, I am very sure she will not let Christopher stand up from this table until and unless she is satisfied that he has eaten properly.

This is gonna be fun.

We said our prayers and started eating. As soon as I broke one piece of Puri someone kicked me on my leg beneath the table. No it was not kabir because he was exactly siting besides me, dad was at the head of the table, mom was in the kitchen bring water so it just left Christopher. But what made him kicked me.?

I looked at him only to see him looking back at me with help written on his face with folk and spoon in his hand. I almost laughed, little did he knew Indian food is never ever eaten with folk and spoon but hand.

What? I mouthed him.

He slowly cleared his throat and answered me how to eat this food? I was about to laugh but changed it into cough quickly so no one can notice. But he did and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Easy honey." My mom said and handed me a glass of water. I thanked her and once again gave my full attention to my poor Christopher who was in a head-scratching situation at the moment. Though, he still look cute with nervous silver eyes.

Stop kiara! Focus.

Copy me. I mouthed again and took folk and spoon and shook my head from right to left and placed back on the table. He did the same, no no not head shaking part. Now with my hand I showed him how to cut puri into tiny morsel, dip it into Undiyu and brought that morsel into my mouth chewing it finely. He watched me carefully and reciprocated my action. As soon as his first morsel was in mouth he started coughing. In an instant his fair complexion turn into bright red tomato colour on his cheeks, nose and eyes became watery.

Oh! My poor Christopher. This food was filled with various spices and he was not used to it. My mom gave him a glass of water too. Well what can I say, we Indians are well know for our spicy taste buds and high flavoured food. Being a total English man he was not aware of what spices are because in west they have dry climate which is not favourable for these spices to grow so they hardly have these in any of their food. Its going to be hard for him to digest all this things.

"I think you should eat Shrikhand. It will be a little help for you Mr.Richard." I finally said out loud. He still gave me a question mark look. I pointed on the left side of his silver plate telling him that, that is shrikhand. He literally diged in as it was the last meal of the year. I smiled at his reactions unknowingly.

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