chapter 22

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~~~ My heart was the most abandoned one, which created a wall around itself. And she painted those walls with the colour of her love. ~~~

^^^ living room of pent house ^^^

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"Christopher you need to look presentable. Will you please co-oprate with me.?" I asked him annoyed, with his blazer and a random shirt in my hand and he was just siting on that white couch reading newspaper and was pretending like I don't event exists.

"No." He said holding his newspaper and looking at me with an innocent smile.

"But why, you know this client is important so please.?" I asked extending my hands to him so I can remind him that he needs to dress and how important it is for him to attend this video conference meeting with some Italian client.

"But it is Sunday and we planned to spend it together away from business." He complained like a child. That would be cute, but any other day, not now. I just sighed and kept his Armani clothes on the stand and sat besides him.

"Yes I know but this guy, whatever his name is, is offering a very good tender to your company and a very profitable tender if I might add. Its almost impossible to reject it." I tried to give him a good reason.

"Money is not a matter to me Kiara." He said holding my palms and kissing them warmly. I smiled at his loving gesture. Its been almost a month from our Brazil trip but nothing is changed except the fact that we are in a relationship. He is always like this, loving and caring and sometimes I wonder he loves me way much more than what I do to him. I try my best to give at least half of the affection he gives to me, but I think I fail miserably, but I wont stop trying, not even a single day. He is important to me and I wont miss a chance to tell or show him that what importance his presence holds in my life. I actually try to surprise him with a small romantic candle light dinner or with breakfast in bed or randomly telling him how much I like him, but at the end I am the one to get surprised with the way his each and every word makes my heart flutter with happiness and a whole zoo erupts in my stomach from no where. How did I got to lucky to have him in my life.?

"... Kiara?" He asked worried.

"Yeah.. I am sorry I just... anyways lets make a deal.?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"What kind of deal.?" He asked keeping my palms near his lips.

"You complete this boring conference within two hours and till that time I will go and meet Charlie. As if he is eating my head from morning about something he wants to tell me and after that we can spend the rest of day together, as planned." I said rolling my eyes.

"You will really make me do this, wont you.?" Finally.!

"Yes, now please go and get ready they will be calling you within..." I looked here and there to find aha! there it was... I bend forward and took Christopher's cell phone which was on coffee stand and looked at the digital clock "....20 minutes." I said and turned towards him.

"Fine." He said and got up from my side and literally just ripped his white T-shirt out within a fraction of second.

"What are you doing.?" I asked but my eyes were on his perfect tan chest and his tight abdomen with no amount of fats. A girl can get used to this site.!

"Help me." He stated handing me his shirt and I did not miss the devilish smirk in his tone. So, he wants me to help him get dressed even after knowing what effect does he haves on me, naked or not, well naked him does have more humongous effect. Okay Mr.Richard two can play the game as well. I just smiled politely took the neatly pressed shirt from his hand. He turned around so he can put his hand in the sleeves and I intentionally moved the tip of my fingers from his arms to his shoulders ending on the base of his neck and was very close to him making sure that my body touches his. While closing the buttons I moved my hands all over his chest and started clapping the buttons from the bottom slowly moving my fingers upwards and my fingers covering his chest as much as they can. I made sure that my he was able to fell my breath on his skin, bare or not, doesn't matters.

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