chapter 8-I

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~~~ And just when he thought he lost everything, she smiled. ~~~

^^^ Christopher's bedroom ^^^

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Three days went in a really, time moves way too fast than you can even imagine and here I find myself -at 11.50 pm- nervously siting on kitchen island with a small chocolate cake in front on me. I was having an inner conflict with myself that should I go, wish him and spent the day as I planned or should I just go back and sleep in my room and if you ask me I wanted to do both.

11.55 pm...okay...I guess I will go in Lions den than. I didn't even knew why I was so nervous all I have to do is wish him a 'happy birthday' that's to easy right..? Right than, lets do it.

"Come on Kiara he is not gonna eat you alive. All you need to do is go wish him and give him his schedule for tomorrow and you are done. You are a brave woman, you can do this." I told to myself. Now I am talking to myself, Oh! The irony. I took deep breaths to calm myself which was not working at all, anyways I took cake in my hand and went towards his room. Is it always that hard to wish a happy birthday to someone whom you like.??

Knock knock !!

The door opened and I almost drop the cake in my hand. Almost. There stood the Christopher Richard in nothing but his black track pants. I cant help but move my eyes over his milk like half naked body. His hairs were messy bed hairs, may be he was sleeping, and eyes hold some sleep, yes definitely sleeping, his jaw was covered with small hair of beard giving a nice stubble look making his face look more charming, his naked broad shoulders and his bare chest, not caring about how shameful my actions were my eyes made its way down to his abs and I think I just forgot how to breath. They were a perfect pack of 6 hard muscles. How badly I wanted to run my fingers on those abs.., controlling all my urges my eyes moved further down, there was a thin line of hairs from his belly button passing through his V shape hip bone area and hiding themselves inside his tracks I gulped nervously. I badly wanted to run my fingers on each and every bit of corner of his body...

"Are you done checking me out Ms.Kiara." he told smirking rather than asking and I blushed tomato red. This cant be good and before I could even open my mouth he continued.

"What thought brought you here at my door steps during this hours of day Ms.kiara and that too with a cake in your hand?" He asked.

I cleared my throat "happy birthday." I told him smiling warmly.

"How did you gathered that information." he asked in his cold voice. Wow not even a thank you. Egoistic much huh.

"So are you inviting me in or interrogate me here on your door steps?" I asked. He nodded and moved away from the door.

Wow...was the first thought came in my mind when I saw his room. It was but obviously black and white but rich and I don't know... everything in this room defined Christopher and his nature. Just perfect! Like him. His room was nothing like mine and in fact it is far more huge with glass walls. This room had the perfect view of infinite sky filled with stars, shining bright in the midnight sky. He had a big king size bed in the middle of the room facing the glass walls. The site was anything but the pool drowning you into calmness. I was so jealous of his room.

"You have quiet a room Mr.Richard." I said in still in awe.

"Make yourself comfortable I will be back". He told and went inside a door which I assume was bathroom or walk in closet or just whatever I was too busy admiring his room. Shrugging my shoulders I kept cake on coffee stand and adjusted myself on couch. I cant help but wonder why he is soo....reserved and mysterious. I have not seen him in colourful colours, rather just dark colour. He hardly smiles and most important, what such event occurred that he did not celebrated his birthday since he was teenager.

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