chapter 20

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~~~ Being in love is like taking a glimpse of heaven. ~~~

^^^ Bed on the pool side ^^^

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I woke up with the beautiful sound of birds tweeting mixed with the sound of waves crashing on the sea shore and morning rays of sun making my whole room glow like a light source. It indeed felt amazing to wake up like this, surrounded my all natural thing where you don't need an alarm to wake up and run in man made jungle made from wood and stones. I'd rather run in jungle made with greenery. I slowly uncovered myself from the warm cover and moved towards the window to see the beautiful world outside waiting for me to open my eyes. I sighed happily and moved the curtains away and the sun rays directly falling on my face making me smile more. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the sun rays kissing my face like the first rain of season. I just hugged myself and stayed like that enjoying myself... but wait..what am I wearing..?? I looked down at myself to find in a loose T-shirt which does not belonged to me. I ran into the bathroom to crosscheck it and yes... this good looking T-shirt was wrapped covering my body from shoulders to thigh. From where did I got this.? And just by asking myself I remembered what happened last night... oh! last night, it was outstanding... after I and Christopher cleared our misunderstanding we had dinner together, which he made for us. It was deliciously amazing, no-no not because he made it and so I am exaggerating, but it really was mouth watering. Later we watched a movie together and I don't know who was the first but we ended up cuddling together and I ended up sleeping on the couch, in his arms. Than how come I found myself here in an unknown bedroom and in his clothes.? Did he..? No, no I don't think he did it. He respects me to much to do this.

Leaving that I took a bath and wore that clothes back again, yeah it was dirty but I don't have any other option, now do I.? I came out of the yellow room wandering around finding Christopher until the beautiful looking kitchen stopped me making my stomach growl in hunger. I think finding Christopher mission can wait. I started gathering some fruits, cutting them into tiny pieces and that's when an idea struck my mind like a lightning, if he can make me dinner for me, I can at least make him breakfast right.? Right.

So I started making him a perfect English breakfast consisting of bacon, grilled tomatoes, scrambled eggs, fried mushrooms, toast and butter, sausages, backed beans and his black tea. It was really difficult for me to make all this as I am a vegetarian but well... its Christopher after all... I can do anything for him. Thanks to internet.

After I made our breakfast I went in search of him. Soon I found him siting in a huge balcony with tiny plants around. I wonder who takes care of all this things..? Stock of food was full and everything in this house was up to date. Thinking all this I made my way to Christopher who was siting calmly on a white couch and his feet resting on the front coffee table in sea blue T-shirt. This colour definitely suits him. He had that very amazing smile on his lips with his face facing the sea. I smiled looking at him.

"Hey, Good morning" I said slowly and shyly siting besides him.

"Its indeed a very good morning Kiara." He said opening his eyes and looking at me.

"...and you look amazing in my clothes, not that you don't look beautiful always but my clothes highlight your beauty." He said kissing me on my cheeks. So this were his clothes, I should have guessed. About that! I got to ask him.

"Umm...about that... will you please tell me how did I ended up in your clothes." I asked him.

"You slept on me considering that I am your couch, which for the note I didn't mind at all, but you were in your office clothes which definitely would have been very uncomfortable for you. So I called my housekeeper and she did all the work." He explained.

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