chapter 5

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~~~ "you scare me." He said.
              "Why?" She asked.
          "Because I tell you the thing I                 cant even tell myself." ~~~

^^^ Kiara's cabin interior ^^^

* * *

"Ms.Kiara, why don't you call the day off, its already been 7.30 and the office is almost empty." By almost empty you mean only the cleaner and the watchman are here..yeah right.!

"I am almost done Mr.Richard just a few minutes." I told avoiding any eye contact with him.

"I will wait." He said and I was shocked by his statement 'he will wait' why?. I sigh and just nodded, gathering my things to finally go home, though I was not truly happy because I will be able to face him and his non tolerable way, but I really did not had any least not until the month ends and I will receive my salary and can move out of his pent house. As soon as I stood up he held the door open for me. I don't think I can handle any more shock in a day now. May be he is not as bad as I thought...may be there are chances that some where down in the corner of his heart the real Christopher is locked down purposely. My mind started running miles in thoughts to which I successfully gave a break, just shrugged my shoulder and avoided that thoughts. The small tour from elevator to ground floor was...intresting. I tried to observe him. Both the time while entering and exiting he applied 'ladies first' rule silently and waited for me to enter and exit first. He is weird and complicated.

"Where are you heading Ms.Kiara." his voice came snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Your house." was my only reply.

"We head to the same destination Ms.Kiara why don't you join me." shock no. 3. Is he the same man I met on marine drive. If yes than why he is acting so...nice.

"Thank you but I prefer walking, Mr.Richard." I tried to argue. It was not exactly a lie I really enjoy walking.

"Ms.Kiara, remember that I don't have a P.H.D in tolerance."

"but..." I was cut of by him pulling me with my elbow towards parking.

"I told you I am very persistent Ms.Kiara." and before I could reply I saw Matt standing near Jaguar's XJ premium luxury LWB car with a pitch  black colour. wow.!

"Are you taking me in that car Mr.Richard.?" I asked my eyes glued towards that amazing beauty.

"Yes.." was the only thing I needed to hear and I practically ran towards the car to admire her...she is a real beauty.

"You can sit inside Kiara." Matt told me and chuckled seeing my expression I eagerly nodded and sat inside wow..just wow this is amazing. I heard a warming and soft chuckle which sent shiver down my spine and I turned around to see the rarest of the rarest moment...yes The Christopher Richard was smiling...smiling...and just by looking at him like that, smiling, made my heart go round in happiness I cant help myself but smiled a little too.

"You should do that more often Mr.Richard." I blurred out oh no!

"What, to make you ride with me.?" he said with a slight twist on the corner of his lips. Was he teasing me.?

"No I" I said and he looked towards me with amused expression. He turned on the opposite side and cleared his throat. Okay.

Ride to his house was pretty quiet.

"Good evening Mr.Richard, Kiara" Marria greeted "dinner is ready you just have to have to warm it...." I left them with their conversation and I went to my room, I took my light blue shorts which came till mid thigh and a loose grey tank top from the closet and headed towards bathroom which contained a big bath tub and 6 way shower. After about half an hour I went down to have dinner only to see Christopher in his black tracks and white T-shirt siting on one of the couch watching news on his 56' plasma TV. His house was quiet modern with different abstract painting, looking around I went in kitchen to warm the dinner. Kitchen was in white in colour with black furniture and a big round island stands in the middle of kitchen, diagonally opposite to the island was a large glass window from which you can look at the busy world down there...train of my thoughts was broken by the voice of microwave, I went outside to call him only to see him looking towards me which strange emotion on his face but news or more precisely stock market and one stock price caught my attention. Neptune companies share was down by Rs.300 now this is something bad...we have to keep some tabs on the shock, and the t.v screen went black.

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