chapter 6

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~~~ Intimacy is not who you let touch you. Intimacy is giving someone your attention when other people are asking for it. Intimacy is the person always in the back of your mind no matter how distracted you are. ~~~

^^^ Interior of restaurant ^^^

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The very next day I avoided him in the morning because...well I don't know...may be he might would look more handsome than usual or...may be more arrogant than usual, commanding me with all his orders. I was left with no other option but to just avoid him.

As soon as I entered in my cabin I saw a pile of files waiting for me...great now what to do with all these files... or they here to make my cabin look more attractive.

"You are suppose to arrange all the letters in the file alphabetical order." Christopher said in a commanding voice. I turned around only to see him in his office suit with grey colour, he looks handsome, more than usual and just by looking at him my heart beats increased. He is indeed an amazingly handsome and arrogant at the same time....see now you know why I was avoiding him. I just nodded my head trying to concentrate on my work.

"Why don't you join me when we have same destination to reach, Ms.Kiara..? Why do I have to repeat myself everyday.?" he asked coming near to me. Did I ever told him to repeat himself, and for the record this time he didn't commanded, he asked, like a normal person does, that's new.

"I told you Mr.Richard I like walking." I told him giving a valid reason for my action. He just looked at me once and walked away making the rest of my day more worse. Even if I thought that this day cant be any more worse he proves me wrong, completely wrong. Today the only thing I did was up and down from 30 floor to 27 floor for some files or other papers.

27 floor consists of the finance department and he made me go from floors to floors for just a piece of paper or because of some of his files were not in proper manner. I forgot the count of how many times I went from one floor to another and if that was not enough he made me sit in all his boring meetings and made me take the boring notes. As usual I didn't had my lunch and just like that my day ended.

"Time to leave Ms.Kiara." he said and I looked at him with my exhausted eyes which are ready to shut down any moment now.

"I have some work Mr.Richard you may proceed." I said not even glancing at him at the second time. I wasn't lying I have to go on a dinner with Charlie and his boyfriend, Issac. Charlie practically forced me into this because I was not able to do lunch with him even though promised, so in order to pay for my mistake he forced me to have dinner with him and his boyfriend. I swear that guy is sometimes worst than a girl.

"What work. If May I ask Ms.kiara.?" He asked.

"I don't see how that concerns you Mr.Richard."I told him calmly still not looking at him. Now I can smell his spicy perfume and before I could even register what is happening he made me look in his eyes while holding my chin with his index finger. He came to my eye level, I was able to smell his minty breath but wait...when did he came this close to me and god what he is doing to me...

"As a matter of fact, you are on my abode and it is my responsibility to take care of you and if any mishaps occurs I don't want to get blame for your foolishness, so now care to enlighten me what work you have." he said every word looking straight in my eyes and giving more emphasise to 'work' word. I sighed, may be he is right.

"Going for dinner with Charlie." I gave him my short answer looking in his eyes. His expression changed his eyes they were not soft any more they were....I don't know may be angry..??

"Very well. Enjoy Ms.Kiara, see you soon." and he went away, just like the way he came. I took a long breath to calm myself...what is wrong with him...why he has to come just like that make my world go up side down and leave me hanging...why...? I hit my head with frustration on my working desk and my phone buzzed telling me that Charlie is down waiting for me. Leaving all Christopher's thought I went out of my cabin.

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