chapter 16

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~~~ May be she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed  someone to show him how to love. ~~~

^^^ Charlie's living room ^^^

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I don't really get it, why am I suppose to do this when we have an A class Event planner running down the road just to make everything picture perfect. Its been 7 months to be exact after having a lovely day out with Christopher, even a small thought about it still gives me goose bumps, but right now I don't have time to day dream because a big event is on the line and I am given the sole responsibility to make sure everything is perfect; meaning as per Christopher's choice. This event is commonly known as Co-orperate social responsibility or commonly known as CSR activity in lay mans language; which is a voluntary activity undertaken by many companies for economical and social sustainable environment held every year. So to represent this event on a little lower level so company's share holders or any common man can understand it properly this is like a charity done my the company for welfare of the society. So our companies event is basically an auction of properties from various parts of England which owned and managed in the name of Richard company is kept on a sale in this auction and all the money gathered from this auction will be utilised for social work in the society like helping the orphanage or grant scholarship in colleges and other welfare programmes for humanity and mankind. This is indeed a big event for Richard family because many organisations from the world comes to this auction because every one wants to expand their business and considering the fact that property is located in England under the goodwill of Richard's its like a cherry on top of the cake for all the interested buyers. This event is talk of the town and head lines for many business magazines. Handling such an important and reputed event is not an easy task. I hope everything goes as planned otherwise Christopher will throw a fit on me and that is something I am not looking forward to. Auction is tomorrow in evening and so I am here to finalise all the arrangements and have some word with that event planner, I swear she is as strict as my third grade school teacher. She is really very scary, that's all I can say.

I did all the final arrangements and went to opposite coffee shop to treat myself with some cheese cake after a long tiresome day. As soon as I opened the glass door with coffee and cake engraved on it, the bitter sweet smell of coffee and cake hit my nose and I smiled. Yes..! Heaven is on earth and I just entered in it. Cashier gave my tray which was filled with a tiny piece of blue berry cheese cake and a cold coffee in it. I was way too busy enriching that piece of cake in front of my eyes that I did not even recognised that there was a wall in front in which I bumped and fell flat on my back. Coffee spilling everywhere and on my jeans as well and my untouched, mouth watering, deliciously amazing piece of cake was lying on the floor like a trash. I felt bad that I wont be able to eat it.

"Shit.! I am so sorry ma'am I wasn't even looking, are you hurt..? Someone get me a tissue please.?" I heard a masculine voice. I turned to look at him. He was dressed in a perfect Italian suit which enhances his muscles and perfect body. He seems familiar.

"Ma'am.?" He asked again a little worried.

"Oh sorry! Even I wasn't looking and no, not to worry I am completely fine." I said and a guy came giving me some tissue to clean myself. I thanked him and tried to get up but that very guy with iron like chest which I by mistake called a wall offered his hand which of course I took. As soon as I was on my feet there was a sharp pain in my right ankle and I hissed in pain. God! That hurts.

"I think we need to go and meet a doctor." He said with a smile yet calm in his posture.

"Thank you very much for your concern, sir but I am completely fine." That's what I guessed so and with that I dared to take one step and it pain grew up more and I hissed in pain again.

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