chapter 7-I

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~~~ Love is a paper wrote with pen of faith. ~~~

^^^ Richard mansion ^^^

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Here I was siting on the middle of my king size bed which was covered with clothes...why..?? Because I was going to have dinner with THE RICHARDS...his mom, sister and god knows who else will be there. I needed to make an impression and clothing was the very first thing in making your personality look good...anyways so I was siting here dumbfounded deciding what to wear and it striked me. Maria yes she could help me, so I took 4 dresses in my hand and ran downstairs shouting "Maria" on top of my voice.

"Can I have peace in here Ms.Kiara?" Came his voice. Ignoring his complain.

"Have you seen Maria.?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she just went." what! Great I am back to square one. I frowned and started walking back to my room until his voice stopped me.

"You need any assistance, Ms.kiara?" He asked genuinely. I was shocked by his gesture towards me. So, should I ask him or should I not? What if he thinks I am an immature and cant even decide what to wear? How will he react towards me.?

"I guess not, well then see you in half hour Ms.kiara." his voice came breaking my train of thoughts...

"What no..!! Wait." I told instantly.

"Yes." he said turning around with a small smile and that was enough to make my heart beat rise a million time faster.

"Umm yeah... I was confused.. I mean I cant conclude what to wear.. I mean which colour to..." I was stopped by the voice of chuckling, yes that same that made me shiver with pleasure.

"Why are you so nervous its not like you are meeting my mother for the first time Ms.Kiara." he said folding his hands.

"I know but still I need to make a good impression."

"Trust me, you have already made one Ms.Kiara."and I looked at him with questioning expression. Ignoring my expression he came near me, dangerously near and with in mini seconds my breath increased I was able to smell his masculine cologne that delicious smell of his...

"Wear green Ms.kiara, bright colour suits you more." He whispered in my ears his breath tickling my skin and the hairs behind my neck spiked with pleasure and before I could even register what happened he went and there I was standing alone in the middle of his huge white living room trying to calm my uneven breathing process and forcing my mind to process what did just happen. He is confusing me or am I confused..? and most important was why his actions are affecting me this much.

Shrugging my shoulders I went to my room got ready wearing my green knee length dress with sweetheart neck, a black clutch in hand and within 25 minutes I was down.

"You look stunning Ms.kiara" and I blushed....wait did he just appreciated me..?

"Thank you and you yourself look good too Mr.Richard." I told him nervously but yes he was looking handsome in black suit and white shirt underneath.

"Shall we?." He asked me extended hands towards the door. I nodded and went with him. We went to garage and the sight in front of me was any teenage boys dream come true. He was having collection of cars... Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Audi,Bentley, Range Rover, BMW and Jaguar.

"Wow." was the first thing I could say.

"So which one?"

"Huh.?" I asked still in awe.

"Which car you want to take Ms.kiara?" He asked smiling a little at my reaction.

"All." I simply said still not taking my eyes of the beauties standing in front of me. He chuckled again. God this is so embarrassing.

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