chapter 20

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[Afraid - The Neighborhood]

I was just sitting on the couch with Mick while he was watching Netflix and I was typing something on my phone.
We didn't have a race this week, which is why we're in Monaco at the moment.
Mick and I spent today's Wednesday driving to a go-kart track and battling there with the go-karts.
Sure, we did that every weekend with real racing cars, but that didn't mean we missed any opportunities to get back into a kart.
We always felt like we were being catapulted back to our childhood and we loved it.
However, we were pretty exhausted after today, which is why we only had the sofa and Netflix left after dinner. But a ringing interrupted our silence.
"I'll open the door," I said to Mick, who made no move to get up anyway.
So I made my way to the door, although it was a mystery to me who was still ringing the bell.
It wasn't really late, just after six, but we weren't expecting any more visitors today.
I unlocked and opened the door.
I looked up and my thoughts stopped for a second. I had to dream
"Wait a minute, what?" was my first reaction. That just couldn't be real.
"Don't worry, you're not dreaming, it's actually me," he said as if he could read my mind.
Fabio stood outside.
At our Apartment.
In Monaco.
I slowly broke my rigidity and a feeling of happiness flooded me, which made me hug him.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, still a bit incredulous, and quickly planted a kiss on his mouth before he could answer.
"I thought I'd surprise you as I was on my way anyway. I'm driving home from France, now I'm on my way back to Italy and I thought you might want to come with me. So, do you? " he talked.
Without thinking a second, I answered immediately, "Of course I'll come with you."
A smile spread across Fabio's lips.
I finally let him in and asked further, "How did you even find the apartment?"
"I asked Mick because I wanted to surprise you. He then gave me the address," Fabio answered me and we made our way to my room, crossing the living room where Mick was.
The two quickly greeted each other as Fabio and I continued our way to my room.
Before that, however, I didn't miss giving a quick grateful smile at Mick.
"I'll pack my suitcase quickly and then we can go," I told him and we entered the room.
I took out my suitcase straight away and started packing when Fabio surveyed my room.
"Looks really nice here," he said.
"Thanks," I replied, smiling, "So why do you want me to come with you?" There had to be a reason, because he drove quite a detour to pick me up.
I felt him flop onto my bed and took a moment to reply.
"Well, if I should be honest," he began, "I'm just a little scared."
"Of what?"
"Of the race weekend."

Fabio worries about his race results for a few weeks already. I could tell it was depressing him, even if he didn't like to let it show.
Without him ever saying it, I knew he didn't want me to see him as weak.
It was, of course, complete nonsense. Just because he showed emotion didn't mean I find him weak. Something like that was completely normal.

Fabio was silent for a moment and then added, "I don't know. My results aren't as good as they were at the beginning and slowly I have to change something if I don't want to give away the championship. I'm afraid that they will replace me and somebody else might take my place. As my next race is close to home I thought I could take you to a grand prix. I just think it makes me feel better knowing that you are also present when I'm driving. I've already asked the team if I can bring someone with me. It's only possible for Sunday, but you can come if you want."
I immediately had to smile and briefly interrupted my packing to sit next to Fabio.
"Fabio, I'm always with you, whether it's at the race track or a hundred kilometers away. But if you want me to be there, of course I'll come with you. And Fabio-"
He looked up at me.
"-I know I've told you a thousand times, but you can do it. The team stands behind you and so am I. I know the pressure can be huge in motorsport, but you can't let it destroy you. And I'm pretty sure your team won't break the contract and kick you out either."
He grabbed my hand.
"Thank you."
It was only two words, but more would not have been necessary.
I knew it came deep from his heart, which made me appreciate it all the more.
I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and continued to take care of my suitcase so we could leave right away.

Before we left, I said goodbye to Mick and we sat down in Fabio's car, which he started shortly afterwards.
"You know what's going to be tough this weekend?" he asked me. I shook my head.
"That you'll bump into me all the time on Sunday, but I can never even begin to take your hand because we're officially just friends."
I agreed, "Yes, it will be a challenge, but somehow we made it in France, right?"

That was actually the most difficult part of my race in France last week. But we got through it.

We fell into a conversation when I heard a ringing noise from my cell phone. I looked up. It was a message from a team member.
As I read it, my eyes got bigger and bigger. Also the grin on my face.
Fabio noticed it of course and asked what was going on.
"Leclerc got a time penalty for the last Grand Prix and has now moved back a few places and got fewer points. He was over the track limits. Means that the second place is now secured for me even if I would get zero points in the next race," I explained excited.

There was a discussion after the last race about Leclerc's track limits. One half said he drove over it several times, the other half said he was still on the white line. But now it was official.

Fabio also joined in my jubilation.
"I knew it," he said, laughing and looking at me briefly.
However, I didn't notice something that I should have noticed. Something that would probably have saved a lot in the future.
Because Fabio's smile didn't reach his eyes.

racing hearts - a Fabio Quartararo fanfiction [🇬🇧]Where stories live. Discover now