The Call of Ktulu - Metallica

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The muscular leg beneath the table became entwined with hers.  She had to shift her balance back in the chair, fearing he might tip her out of it unintentionally.  It was the cutest thing, but was becoming a bit precarious.  Jotaro's eyes went to her arms, tattoos adorning her skin.  (Y/N) anticipated the questions, "I love the ocean.  It is terrifying and wonderful all at once; but her inhabitants, they are the most vibrant beings!"

Leaning forward, he pointed to the seahorse on her wrist.  "Is that the species you discovered?"  His finger began to trace its lines. After a trip or two around the outline, he realized what he had done so openly and put his hand down.

"Yes it is.  It is the only scientifically accurate creature on my body.  The rest are artistic representations."

"The tattoo below your neck?"

"Oh the Joestar?  Jotaro, the only real family my mother and I knew were the Joestars.  Joseph and Suzi Q are the members we spent significant time with,  I am not sure I could have been any closer to blood relatives.  I have contact with Josuke from time to time as well, we call each other cousins.  When I got the tattoo I had asked Joseph if he was ok with it, and he approved.  He told me it was the only thing missing.  I hope it is of no offense to you."

Jotaro shook his head, inexplicably not wanting (Y/N) to ever feel his disapproval.  He didn't understand where this sentiment came from, but he actually valued the opinion of the lady across the table.  "I will say, the birthmark is unique to the Joestars, but if the old man approves, so do I.  But you are missing another Joestar trait, a stand?"  Jotoro had to ask, presuming she would be as defenseless as his ex-wife had been.  He couldn't hope for an equal in that aspect, it just seemed unrealistic.  He was used to being a pillar among men. 

Another flurry of those copper curls as she shook her head.  As she did her stand appeared, as if she had shaken it out.  Her fighting spirit was both alluring and a bit frightening, aquatic in appearance; part fish, part octopus, but with those big opalescent eyes.  The stand made this small woman seem so much bigger than her physical self, not a small, delicate woman.  Much like the lady before him, the stand shifted and sparkled as if he were seeing it through the water.  "Meet Call of Kthulu," she said as her stand mimicked a curtsy and swam around the air momentarily. 

Jotoro realized Star Platinum had made an appearance and a blush dusted his cheeks.  In his youth his stand might appear spontaneously at times, but it had not happened in years.  Neither had a blush.  It seemed as if Star Platinum felt the appeal as well. 

Generally nonplussed, (Y/N)'s breath caught at the appearance of Jotaro's inner spirit.  It was a sight to behold, visually as powerful as she had heard it's powers were.  Heightened awareness tingled along her body, her turn to go still under the table.  Without thinking his hand moved from his knee to hers, a brush of comfort.  This caused another catch in her breath, his skin on skin touch causing that buzz again.

Jotaro realized what he had done and retrieved his hand so quickly it banged on the table.  He shook it off awkwardly, placing it on the table a bit too vigorously, rattling the cups on the table.  He was obviously perturbed, thinking he had made a faux pa.  (Y/N) leaned into the table and touched his hand where it was red.  Probably not enough to bruise, but it definitely had to sting.  He winced a bit, more out of reaction than pain.  Yet when her hand laid over the red spot a warmth washed over and through.  All pain had disappeared.

Jotaro looked into her eyes; this healing touch did not feel like that of any healing stand he had experienced.  (Y/N) instinctively understood his question and explained.  "I come from a line of farmland healers.  I only have a touch of it, my grandmother was the last to be able to do significant repair work.  We are separated from the land, I am convinced it was part of the 'magic' if you will.  I can make a stubbed toe less horrible.  I was born with that, but not my stand."

While she was talking, her hand had remained on his; now he placed his other on top of hers.  All of a sudden the cafe, the people around, everything seemed too loud, too crowded.  Jotaro stood, pulled out her seat and offered an arm.  He wanted away from the tourists, the cafe workers, and the sightseers.  He needed time to think, some quiet. 

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