Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls

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I forgot to put a lemon where it begins I will put 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 and where it ends that will appear again.  Not here to offend anyone.  🙂

The couple dined at a local spot not far from the beach. They both loved the ocean; the sounds, the air, the sand between their toes. It called to them. After dinner they answered that call with a stroll to a quiet spot. They sat in the sand, (Y/N) nestled between Jotaro's legs, her back leaned against his chest.

About half an hour passed. Their breathing slow and relaxed; they shared moments of soft touches, nuzzles and light kisses. Jotaro kissed her ear and asked softly, "Do you like to swim?"

(Y/N) laughed, "Have you seen Kthulu? I love to swim! You?"

Jotaro simply nodded. The habit of silence and his economy of words was difficult to overcome despite his comfort with his goddess. However, with her he often didn't feel like many words were necessary.

(Y/N) stood and began removing clothing. She finished before Jotaro and helped him finish disrobing. As she did she made playful flirtations across his body. She couldn't believe how perfect he was.

A small groan escaped Jotaro before he caught himself. He satisfied the momentary urge with a quick kiss, then began pulling her to the water. They entered the ocean hand in hand in the moonlight.

They played in the water for a few moments, like two kids on summer break. One of the benefits of the comfort they felt with each other was the ability to have moments when they forgot who they were, their places in the world, the responsibilities the world pressed upon them. It was another form of release neither had realized they needed.

Jotaro grabbed (Y/N) almost out of the water as she swam by, like a bear plucking a fish out of the water. It was one swift movement that ended with her pulled into his embrace, pressed against that perfect chest. She looked into his eyes and smiled, "May I help you sir?"

"I believe you already have. I keep thinking I couldn't feel more, experience more. And then being with you is more." Jotaro took a deep breath as he lost words to express himself.

(Y/N) knew, she was feeling it too. She cradled his face in her hands, placed a kiss on his forehead. Then her hands slid down his arms to his hands. She pulled, without moving him, "Come I want to show you something."

He complied, curious what new wonder this woman would show him. He was not disappointed. She pulled him into a dive under the water. A few feet down he was suddenly not in the water. No that wasn't correct, he was in a bubble under the water. He gasped without thinking and discovered he could breathe inside this bubble.

Jotaro could see Kthulu swimming around the bubble, (Y/N) was in one of her own. She was 'walking' toward him, it moved naturally keeping up with her, it reminded him of a pet hamster in a ball. She approached his bubble, when they touched they merged.

(Y/N) took Jotaro's hand, smiled up at him. "Let me show you the ocean in a new way."

The light of the full moon above and the soft movement of the water caused dancing beams of light. This was indeed a new way of seeing the underwater world for Jotaro. Kthulu swam, providing the movement of their bubble so they could watch effortlessly.

As they approached the ocean floor, Kthulu stopped pushing the bubble and went back to playing in the water.

"We will have oxygen and the pressure will largely be displaced for us while in the bubble. Also, the bubble is pretty tough, so unless something big comes at us we are safe. How's that for new exploration technology?"

Ocean Song: A Bizarre Adventure (JotaroxReader)Where stories live. Discover now