I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight - Cutting Crew

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An elegant loveseat faced the large open window.  The stars twinkled and a light breeze played with the sheer window dressings, flickering the candles and putting her curls in motion.  (Y/N) slipped her heels off, tucking her legs beneath her.   Jotaro had removed the bow tie and jacket, looking a bit out of sorts.  Both were on their best behavior, trying to be satisfied without contact.  Working together might be difficult if they were constantly seeking the touch of one another.

As they chatted, (Y/N) leaned forward to free her feet, her shoulder brushing his. Her toe got stuck in the folds of her skirt causing her to fall forward into his lap.  There was no graceful "dismount" and as she tried to recover all sorts of touching occurred.  She had definitely wanted to touch, but not like this! 

It was Jotaro's turn to be in charge of righting the situation by pulling her up by her shoulders.  This caused her breasts to squeeze together, threatening to escape the bodice of her dress.  He brought her in close to him, stared into her eyes intensely for a moment.  They both went absolutely still, not even breathing.  Jotaro broke the surface tension, leaning in for the kiss. 

(Y/N) had been holding back all evening, he had been hard to resist before.  But this kiss was her undoing; it was tender but insistent.  He bit her lip lightly, asking for more.  Leaning into it, giving him more, her hand slid up the back of his muscular neck into that hair she had been dying to touch.  It was indeed quite soft.  His arms slid from her shoulders, down to the small of her back, pressing her into his body.  She was literally lost in his embrace.

A flurry of small kisses traced her jawline down to her neck.  She leaned back, exposing the area for his attention.  He enveloped her in an embrace that brought her stomach against his chest.  The kisses brushed her collar bone, the tops of her breasts.  She leaned in to whisper in his ear, cradling his head in her cleavage.  "Is this what you want?  Take a deep breath and get a clear head."

Jotaro took a couple of deep breaths, eyes closed.  As he opened them slowly a sly smile crept across his lips.  He leaned into her, and her lips met his with the same fervor.

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