Need You Tonight - INXS

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LEMON warning!!  If you don't want that, skip this part.


Jotaro took a couple of deep breaths, the exhalation warm across Y/N's skin.  He then looked up into her eyes, her hands framing his face.  A broad smile broke his intense look.  Before Y/N could react one hand slid to her lower back, the other behind her neck and he carried her to the bed.  He gently laid her down. 

The garments and adornments of the evening disappeared in a flurry of distracted unzipping, unbuttoning and shimmying.  They had become in sync with each other, driven by one desire. 

Jotaro covered Y/N's body with kisses.  Once her breasts had been exposed he buried himself in her bosom.  She planted kisses on his forehead and the top of his head, tangling her fingers in his hair.  She laid back and let him do as he pleased on his kissing trail from her breasts to her mons pubis. 

When he arrived, he glanced up; she had watched him make the last bit of this journey.  His eyes begged permission, giving one last chance to turn back.  He was respectful of the lines a woman may draw during sex.  His partners rarely knew what they were signing up for; he wanted no question of consent.

As if she could resist those gorgeous eyes and their need!  She smiled and gave a nod, anticipation already tightening the muscles within.

Jotaro's tongue slid between and found its target, eyes still locked on hers.  Light flicks on Y/N's clit and his fingers separating her fully, she laid back and let him treat her to the best oral sex she had ever experienced.  His tongue explored her clit, circling and honing in with adeptness she had never felt from a partner.  His exploring fingers had dabbled with her entrance and down her perineum to her anus.  Every brush of his touch was charged; that electric buzz only got stronger in the sexual context. 

Jotaro finished his digital explorations as his tongue picked up pace.  Y/N had hold of the bed frame, lost in ecstasy.  No longer exploring, he came back to her opening.  His tongue flicked there quickly,  she was unsure if he was making sure she was wet (which was not in question) or if he was tasting her.  All thought fled her mind as he entered her with two large fingers.  He pressed upward, immediately finding her g-spot ridge. 

Y/N's hips began to rock against his fingers; the lovers found a rhythm between tongue, fingers, and the muscles within her.  He brought her to climax expertly, as if he held the secrets to uncoiling the deeply buried potential for pleasure inside her core. 

Y/N had gone limp in the afterglow of such an experience; Jotaro collected her in his arms.  On the trip back up her body, his underwear had disappeared leaving his large erect member free to drag a path up her leg, causing her to tighten within again.  He held her close, whispering in her ear, "You good?"

A lazy smile crossed her face, "More than good." 

Jotaro chuckled, brushing his lips across Y/N's jawline and neck.  She felt another pair of hands trace up her back as Star Platinum appeared.  She had never had two lovers at once; the one before her was going to be a lot to take in.  It was both exciting and intimidating.

"May we?"  Those eyes of his!  How could she ever say no?

She nodded and they covered her body with attention.  Y/N's legs wrapped around Jotaro as he kissed her, his throbbing penis rubbing against her already stimulated clit.  Star's member rubbed against her ass.  She was a moaning limp mass, like a raw nerve, only held up by the muscular bodies she was pressed between.

Jotaro entered her, carefully at first.  He knew what he was endowed with, his penis was as impressive as the rest of his body.  The same was true of Star Platinum.  She couldn't see him, but she felt the length pressed against her and wondered how that was going to work. 

As soon as Jotaro had worked his member inside of her they began rocking, he was slow and careful.  He didn't want to hurt her in a way that would make this indulgence end.  She felt Star explore with his tip and somehow manage to press in rhythm as well.  She felt him enter her anus and she gasped.  Both of them stopped for a second, freezing mid stroke.

Her body cried out for more, she gasped, "Don't stop, just never had this before.  New feelings, but amazing"

"We've never done this either.  How would one explain this to a normal woman?"

Y/N shut him up with her lips and the three of them made fantastic love.  As if choreographed by Aphrodite, the three moved together as one.  What could have been an awkward and unsatisfactory sexual triste, was instead a memory they would never forget.

Following this unique experience Y/N and Jotaro fell into the best sleep.  Exhausted, naked and tangled up in each other's limbs, they stayed that way until morning.

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