Summer Breeze - Type O Negative

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The afternoon had gotten away from them. By the time they got checked into the hotel the Foundation had reserved for them it was almost time for dinner. When they discussed dinner plans Jotaro seemed unimpressed with any of the dining options. "May I be forward in suggesting we eat in one of our rooms? We can order room service and just stay in. Might be nice, give us time to talk." (Y/N) suggested. A single nod from Jotaro served as his agreement.

There had been a mix up, rather than two fully separate rooms, they were booked a suite. Jotaro did not want to appear as if this had been done to manipulate the situation. While improprieties had certainly crossed Jotaro's mind, shamefully rapidly if he were honest, he didn't want to be so bold as to be suggestive of that. What happens in the mind often should stay in flights of fancy.

(Y/N) brushed off the implications as silly. "If you don't want to use the door, simply don't open it." She had insisted they move forward with the rooms. The problem was Jotaro very much wanted to use the door. They had gone to their rooms to unpack, clean up and prepare for dinner. He missed her already. It was absurd but true. Inexplicable, but it was like something he had lost had been returned; and he didn't even know it had been missing.

They had agreed upon dinner in her room at seven. This left each of them to their own devices for an hour and a half. It had been a long time since Jotaro had been truly nervous around a woman. Lovers were easy, it was almost transactional for him. That suited his personality. But this, this was not that. He was sickened by the idea of it; butterflies in the stomach kind of sick. He didn't know how or why, but he was smitten like a school boy.

(Y/N) had suggested a formal setting, a celebration to start off their working together. Secretly she wanted to see Jotaro in his finest, and didn't mind putting her best foot forward either. Her attraction to him was equally undeniable. She had never felt more than passing fascination with a gentleman; once she was married but she had felt like a caged bird. Since then relations had not much but fleeting appeal to her. She dealt with people more easily that way; surface relationships kept things simple.

On either side of the suite door, each took a deep breath and made the decision to behave themselves for the sake of the other. Jotaro adjusted his jacket, quickly fussed with his mostly tamed hair, and lifted his hand to knock. The door opened before it connected. "Welcome," (Y/N) purred as she presented a satin gloved hand, again in the manner of yesteryear. Jotaro played his part, taking her small hand gently, placing a kiss on it as he bowed; what a gentleman! His eyes met hers and it was difficult not to react. As he stood upright he had taken in the sight of her.

(Y/N) was wearing a mermaid style evening gown. The sequins that covered the bodice shimmered with blues and greens, vibrant but not gaudy. Her emerald satin gloves matched the flared skirt portion of the dress. Large emeralds adorned her graceful neck with matching earrings. She wore very high heels and was still significantly shorter than Jotaro, like a dainty doll. Her curls were piled on top of her head in a messy up-do; stray curls dancing down by her ears and neck. She was a goddess in his eyes.

She hoped it wasn't obvious how taken she was with his appearance. Jotaro wore a purple tuxedo, the shirt a sea foam green in perfect contrast. The color made his eyes stand out brilliantly. (Y/N) had heard he was never without the hat, but here before her was a tousled mop of hair. He had clearly attempted to tame the hair, and had beautifully lost. It was black, shiny and she wanted to run her fingers through it. It looked so soft.

There was an awkward moment as they realized they were holding hands facing each other taking in the sight. Impulse took over and he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. "You look beautiful. You were right, this was a really nice idea, the formal dinner. I haven't worn formal wear in a long time."

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