Have Love Will Travel -The Black Keys

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Jotaro and Y/N had boarded the Speedwagon boat before the break of dawn headed for the Gulf of Cadiz and Doñana National Park.  Leaving before sunrise served two purposes; less people to observe their departure and it allowed the pair to maximize the amount of daylight they had to explore the first stop of their adventure. 

"Explain to me again what we are looking at," Jotaro asked his partner.  It amused her that he had such a difficult time wrapping his head around the existence of Atlantis when they lived in a world of Aztec stone beings, vampires and stands. 

She pulled out the copies of the satellite images the Speedwagon space photography division had provided.  The images showed clear evidence of unnatural remains that wouldn't be obvious from sea or ground level.  Jotaro poured over the images. 

"Speedwagon experts have examined these images and compared them to the descriptions from Plato's writings about Atlantis.  They are as perfect a match as you are going to find," Y/N informed. 

Jotaro enjoyed the sound of her instruction voice, conveying confidence and intelligence.  These are qualities he has always found attractive in a woman; exactly why his fangirls in his youth and beyond had annoyed him to no end. 

People fawning over his looks was so shallow and stupid, a person is so much more than the outside.  A slight smile crossed his face, thinking how sexy he found her brain...among other things.  Why hadn't any of his teachers been like the woman before him?

She giggled, "What are you thinking Dr. Kujo?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, he shook his head, "Nothing, really."  He sounded like a kid caught in a naughty act.

"That goofy ass grin on your face and guilty tone says otherwise," she chided.  She couldn't help but smile as well.

"Just thinking about how sexy your mind is," he admitted, setting the images aside and pulling her in for a kiss.  Her hands rested on his broad shoulders.  His big hands came to rest on her waist, he mused, "I might have attended school more often if I had teachers like you."  He added a cheeky wink, marveling at how this beauty in his arms influenced his demeanor. 

Y/N laughed and responded sarcastically, "Yeah, that would have done it."  Taking his hand she led him to the railing of the boat.  Together they took in the beauty of the Atlantic at sunrise.  The salty air was crisp and refreshing.  Amongst the waves the fins of dolphins could be seen surfacing.  The strange pod of dolphins and orca came to mind.  But the couple was focused on the task that lay ahead so the thought was fleeting.

Upon approach to their destination, the Gulf of Cadiz, the pair began to prepare for their underwater explorations.  Having the best equipment available through the Foundation was an incredible advantage.  Despite Y/N's underwater abilities, they had decided it would be safest to use traditional diving equipment as well.  Being ready for as many variables as possible was the safest approach not to mention it would draw less attention.   

"Ok let's go over the plan again," Y/N suggested.  "We will start from the outside edge of the park and work our way inward focusing on the places we determined.  We are looking for anything that looks out of the ordinary and any artifacts.  Inscriptions or artifacts indicating human activity would be ideal.  Remember the information we talked about Atlantis.  If this is indeed the place, there has to be some indication of human inhabitants.  There was just too much built there for it to all be erased."

Jotaro admired her determination, not wanting to point out that if Atlantis was real it was about 9,000 years in the past.  A lot can happen in that amount of time; even if that is but a moment in geological time, it still was a long time on human terms. 

They went over their hand signals again, making sure that if needed they could communicate underwater.  As prepared as they ever would be, the pair began their dive.

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