Our Little Game

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TW: Blood, Graphic Violence, Fighting, Swearing, PTSD. Please read at your own discretion!

Scaramouche's POV:

"Dottore, you have experimented on me for far too long! I will end my captivity if it's the last thing I do." I say, ready for him to cast any move. I was fully aware that I could be putting (y/n) into danger, but I needed to make sure that Dottore never hurt another person again. Dottore noticed my eye drift to (y/n) and then quickly focus back on him. A smile creeps across his face, and he looks past me at (y/n).

"Leave her out of this." I say quickly. His face grows dark, and his smile becomes eerie.
"Now why would I do that?" He asks, his hand resting on his blade.
"Because this is between me and you." I say in response. I cough suddenly, and that same taste of blood fills my mouth.
"You are aware, you could have internal damage? Fighting me would only make it worse." Dottore says suddenly, sounding almost, like he cared about me.

"I couldn't care less." I say, rubbing the blood off my chin. Dottore frowns, and then shrugs.
"I don't want to damage a perfect specimen." The tall blue haired figure says. He pulls his blade out of its holster. He takes a quick glance behind me, and I suddenly realized what he was planning to do. Before I could even react, Dottore was gone, and the next second... He was standing behind me. But not facing me.

The world moved in slow motion, everything felt like it had stopped. I turn around in time to see blood squirt out of
(y/n). I cry out, but my voice is caught in my throat. I see her body become lifeless, and fall to the ground with a thump. Then the world becomes normal again.

I stare at her lifeless eyes, her limb arms, and still legs. I push Dottore out of the way, and lean over her body.
"Why the hell did you do that!?" I say, pushing my hands against her wounds, pressing hard so that I can stop the bleeding.
"Because you seemed to have grown attached to her. She's just a mortal, I see nothing wrong with what I did." Dottore says, I can feel his gaze on my back, and his words cut me like a knife.

"Grown attached to her."

Did I develop feelings for a mortal? For a person who never would feel the same towards me?

I suddenly stop trying to relieve her bleeding. The thought that I had become weak enough to fall into a trance... To become close to a human. But then, a sudden rush of happiness overcame me. She cared about me as well, she wanted to help. And even though I always denied the fact that anyone could ever care about me. Could ever give me the time of day. She did, she always wanted to help, and all I could do was lead her to her death.

I slowly stand up, blood over my clothes, my hands filled with red liquid. I turn and face Dottore, my eyes narrowed, I could feel myself going crazy.
"So what if I had grown attached to her? At least I know she cared about me... At least I fucking tried!" I say, before rushing towards Dottore. My mind was made up, I would get revenge on this piece of useless space. I lunged forward, but he disappeared.

"You keep trying this... It's never going to work." Dottore says, he laughs and then his fist connects with the side of my head. I'm sent almost crashing against a wall, but I steady myself. I feel the small weight of something in my pocket, and remember the Gnosis. I had Beelzebub's Gnosis! I smirk, and stare at Dottore. He seems surprised, and he stands there for a brief second before moving again. I duck as he swings another fist at me.

I reach into my pocket and hold onto the Gnosis, feeling it's power. I will protect (y/n), if it's the last thing I do. But a realization crashes down on me. She's gone...

Dottore takes this time to land another punch to my head, and I fly into the wall. I don't feel my head hit the wall, but there is the sensation of blood, slowly dripping down my forehead.

I clench my teeth, and rush forward, praying for the Gnosis to give me strength. I reach Dottore, but he dodges my attack, then he goes to use his sword. I leap into the air, and kick his head, landing a few paces beside him. He yelps, and then search's the room for where I am. I jump out and punch him in the back, causing him to be sent flying into a wall. He falls to the ground, but quickly stands up again.

"I'm done playing, puppet." Dottore says, swinging his sword around. I smirk.
"That sucks, because I was enjoying our little game." I say before jumping forward. I grab his sword and rip it away from him. It skids across the ground with a screech, and Dottore seems shocked. He looks at the sword, and then back at me. I smile and reach for the Doctors neck. My hands grasp at his skin, and I tighten my fingers.

He grasps for breath, but I cover his mouth.

"Shame our game has to come to an end."

Hi! If you have made it this far into the series, I'm super happy! This fanfic has already done so well, and I just started posting last week. This isn't my first fanfic, so I do know what I am doing for the most part. I just often times forget to update, that's why currently, I'm doing two posts a day one weekdays, and one on weekends!

If you would like to see what other content I do continue reading! Also, I just wanted to thank everyone who has voted for my chapters in this fanfic. I appreciate you! It makes it so that more people can see my content! I also am fully aware that some chapters don't have TW's (trigger warnings) in them, I'm working on editing a few chapters anyways... So I will add TW's to future chapters!

If you do like my fanfics, don't forget to vote on it, it helps me know what type of things you guys like. And if you would like to see more content from me, don't forget to follow! I appreciate every one of you!

Now without further ado, here are my socials!

@ kiwick._ (insta)
kiwick_#3933 (discord)
@ kiwick_ (YouTube)

I also would love if I had more friends on Genshin so if you want, my user is

kiwick_ (ps4)
kiwick (Genshin username)
UID: 625738692

Please enjoy the rest of the book!

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