Enemies To Lovers [Scaramouche POV]

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Scaramouche's POV:

I didn't mean to drop my plush that I kept in my hat. I definitely didn't mean to run into that stupid human and her annoying thing that floats beside her. And I will never forget how I didn't mean to develop a small crush on (y/n).

"Scaramouche, can you do me a favor?" Nahida asks, walking up to me.
"Yeah?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Can you go into town and get me these things?" Nahida asks, handing me a list of food items and potions.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't have anything better to do." I say, standing up. I stare down at the god, and then at the list.

"One question though." I say, pointing down at the list.
"Where am I supposed to get Canned Knowledge? What even is that?" I ask, frowning.
"It's a source of knowledge, kind of like the Akasha. But instead of having a wide range of information to choose from, you can only pick a specific thing to learn." Nahida says.
"So next question, why do you need one for... 'learning to love?'" I ask, my stomach churning.

"It's not for me." She says like I was an idiot.
"Than who's it for?" I ask.
"You." She replies, she turns around and starts playing with her weird information system thing.
"For me?" I say startled. She nods and then peers over her shoulder.
"I suggest you get moving, before I end up getting them myself. It would be longer then before you can leave the Sanctuary." Nahida says, I frown and turn to leave.

"And please be careful not to lose that plush in your hat." Nahida says from behind me. I turn to her and sigh.
"I won't mom." I say sarcasticly, before leaving the Sanctuary, and entering the vast city of Sumeru.

Birds caw, leave rustle, and I walk slowly down the ramp.
"Traveler! Look at all the amazing greenery!!" I hear in the distance. I keep walking.

"Wow, it looks amazing!" Someone replies. I keep walking, but slower.
"Don't you want to pick some flowers to give to Nahida, (y/n)?" The first person says happily.
"Yes! Let's do it Paimon!" I stop walking and duck behind some vases with trees. Two people walk past me, one the world famous Traveler (my enemy), and the other is her sidekick, Paimon.

The traveler holds a handful of flowers, and she walks with such pride.
"Alright Paimon. Let's go and talk to Nahida." The Traveler says to her small "companion". I frown and watch as the walk up the ramp to the Sanctuary of Suransuna. Once there out of sight, I dash out. I follow a route I knew fairly well to get up the ramp farther than them. I reach a landing and stop.

I carefully take off my hat and grab the plush. I stare at it, such a small plush. I hold it to my chest for many moments, breathing even though I have no lungs.
"Can we stop for a bit Traveler?" A person asks. I glance at the landing and freeze. There stands the Traveler and Paimon.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

I hurry to put my hat back on, since I'm out and about, I don't need the Traveler getting me in trouble with Nahida. I rush to the nearest place that could hide me, and crouch.
"Traveler! Look!" Paimon says, I glance up past the vase I'm hiding behind and stare at what the creature was looking at. I almost cry out, but quickly cover my mouth. My plush lay on the ground infront of the Traveler.

She crouches down and picks up the plush. Both of them are distracted, so I take the chance to dive out of my hiding spot. I run up the ramp, and to the doors of the Sanctuary. I burst through them and rush up to Nahida.
"They found me." I say to her franticly. She looks at me confused.
"Who found you?" She asks frowning.
"Nahida!" Someone calls out.

"Them!" I say, pointing at the Traveler. I try to run away, but Nahida frowns and doesn't let me.
"Nahida! The Balladeer was wondering around Sumeru City! In brode daylight!" Paimon says, her voice fraily and annoying. I stare at them, they don't know I'm here. Paimon hovers in her normal way, and the Traveler tries so hard to get Nahida's attention.

Paimon glances over in my direction, then face back to Nahida, before quickly looking back at me again. She shrieks and points.
"There he is!" She shouts loudly. I tense as the Traveler looks at me in fear. Such an unsightly thing.
"Well hello there." I say, waving. The Traveler stares in disbelief.
"What were you doing walking around Sumeru? Your supposed to be on lock down!" She says harshly.

I frown. Of course that was the first thing that came to mind.
I feel a little upset at this response.
"Nice to see you too human." I say, avoiding her question. Of course I didn't want to answer it, she didn't even say hello to me. She is a lowly mortal though, so it makes sense.

Nahida's eyes dart between me and the Traveler, before she sighs and nods.
"Calm down Traveler." Nahida says.
"Yeah Traveler, calm down, before that pretty face of yours ends up getting you hurt." I say, trying to sound as nice as possible.
"Don't act so nice to me! you know what the hell you did, if it weren't for Nahida, you'd meet the same fate as Signora." The Traveler spits at me.

I cross my arms over my chest and sigh.
"You better start watching your attitude. And I thought because you saved me, that you actually cared. But I guess you like every other human. Worthless, as expected." I look away from her and stare at the tiny god. She knew her words weren't getting through to the Traveler. And I guess my "attempt at annoying" the Traveler probably didn't help.

I stare at Nahida for a while, and she stares at me, before turning to the Traveler and finally speaking.
"Well this is going terribly." Nahida says, shaking her head in disappointment.
"He was out because for now, he's free. Until we need him, he can wander anywhere he like in Sumeru city. As long as he doesn't try to escape, cause trouble, or try to get in contact with the Fatui."

I stare at the god in disbelief... She just blantly lied to the Traveler! She didn't tell her why I was actually out and about, how I was doing chores for the god. She didn't tell her that I'm still being held prisoner! Why did she just lie. I stare at her confused, I catch her eye and she turns her head.

Don't look so shocked, I doubt you want the Traveler knowing that your still a prisoner. So just play along, trust me.

Nahida's voice echoes through my head. I subtlety nod and look at the Traveler.

Everything that happened next was a faint blur. (y/n) called me a criminal. Nahida told her to calm down again. Then Nahida tells the Traveler about the trip I "agreed to". The only thing after that, that I remember from the encounter, was the Traveler turning to me. He face soft, and calm. She was happy? Toward me? I tried to stay neutral, but her face. I turned my head and covered my face so no one knew I was blushing.

That was all I remembered from it...

Sometime in the future?
"I told you everything now!" I say to the dark figure sitting across from me.
"Did you? That's everything? Interesting... Are you sure your being honest?"
"Yes." I say simply.
"Because the Fatui doesn't need someone who plans on lying there way through to the 6th place. Even if you were in that place in a past life."
"I understand Dottore... Thank you for reconsidering my entery into the Harbingers." I say. I stand up and bow to the Doctor.

"Thank you... What did you say your name was? When you were in this place?" He asks.
"The Balladeer." I say.
"The Balladeer... Such an amazing name. We look forward to having you on our team." He says in his deep voice. I nod again, before leaving the dark room we were in.

"She'll regret what she did to me."

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