12 Days Of Chirstmas (X-Mas One Shot)

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A/N: This is a quick Genshin one shot with Wanderer! As a Christmas special! It has nothing to do with the plot (at least not yet), this will be what I upload for today, tomorrow I will get started on the new chapters! Please enjoy this Christmas one shot!

(y/n) POV:

Snow slowly danced down around you, causing your vision to be a white blur. You shiver, it was awfully cold out. Wanderer had asked you to come to Dragon Spine and stand up as high as you could handle. Conveniently, that wasn't the highest spot on Dragon Spine. You rub your hands together, and then breathe on them, trying to warm them up. You don't want to sit down, since your clothing would get wet and cold, but your legs were starting to feel numb from standing there for so long.

What the hell does this boy want?

You think to yourself. You stare out at the rising sun in the distance. Yes, Wanderer had asked you to leave your warm house, in the middle of the night, to stand on Dragon Spine for many hours. The sun was pretty though, it casted a golden glow over the snow surrounding you. You sigh. Figures Wanderer makes plans with you, but doesn't follow through with them. You turn to get off the tall pillar in the sky.

"Sorry, I thought that I would get here faster." A familiar voice says behind you. You turn and face Wanderer, who is hovering just infront of the pillar. He sounded out of breath, which was weird since he didn't breathe.
"Were you about to leave?" Wanderer asks, he seems curious, but hurt.
"No." You lie. He frowns.
"Did you really think I wasn't going to show?" He asks. You shake your head, but you did think he wasn't going to show up.

He rolls his eyes.
"Isn't it beautiful up here?" He stands beside you, and admires the scenery. You stare at him and blush. You look out at the mountains, and the cities in the distance.
"Yeah, gorgeous." You say. You lean over and rest your head on the boy standing beside you. You feel him tense, then he wraps an arm around you.
"Your really cold." Wanderer says, his voice in shock. You smile.

"I'm fine." You say in reply, but even you could hear that it wasn't convincing.
"Do you want to go down?" He says, turning you to face him.
"Only if you want to... I don't want to spoil the fun." You say, sniffling. You sneeze and then smile again.
"We need to get you somewhere warm, before you get sick." Wanderer says. Holding your hand, he takes a step forward and hovers above the ground.

He pulls you close to him, and starts to head toward Monstadt. You guys reach the gate, and he carefully lowers you to the ground. You feel warm air rush over you.
"Here, follow me." Wanderer says, grabbing your hand and leading you towards a house. You stare at his hand touching yours and blush again. He opens the door to the house and pushes you in.
"Go change into warm clothes." Wanderer says, closing the door to the house. You stare at him confused.

"But this isn't my house." You say, taking a look around the small house.
"I know, it's one of mine." Wanderer says, walking over to light a candle. You wander over to the bedroom and close the door. You stare at the small bedroom, there's a window. A bed. And that's basically it. You walk over to the closet, and open the door. The only clothing in there was black shirts, and a few hooded sweaters.

You grab a black hooded sweater, and get changed. The sweater was really big, but it was comfortable. You leave the room, and see Wanderer making food. You sniff the air and walk up behind him. He smirks and turns around. He stares at you and then at what you were wearing.
"That doesn't look like it fits you." He says, shaking his head. You frown.
"It was the only thing in your closet that I would actually wear." You say, crossing your arms over your chest.

He looks taken back, but nods.
"Alright, miss picky. Are you fine with eggs?" He says, turning back to the stove. You say "sure" and go to sit down on the couch. You stare out the window beside you. There was only a few snow flakes, dancing down outside, but it was nice. The couch shifts as Wanderer sits down beside you. He pulls you close to him, letting your head rest in his lap. You blush and look up at him. He smiles down at you.

"Are you comfortable?" He asks, brushing his hand through your hair. You tense at his touch, warm yet safe. You smile and nod.
"I'm always comfortable with you." You say in reply, reaching up to touch his cheek. He places his hand on-top of yours, and leans his head on it.
"Are you comfortable?" You ask. Wanderer looks at you, then thinks for a moment.

"Of course." He says, before quickly adding, "you make any situation a little bit better." He closes his eyes, you could tell he was tired. You let your hand fall down on the couch, and then stare back out the window.
"(y/n)." Wanderer says suddenly. You look up at him.
"Yes?" You say in reply.
"Forgive me for this." He says. You look confused.

"For what?" You ask. You continue staring at him. You roll over on your back to see him better, since he seemed serious. He leans forward, pressing his lips to yours. His lips felt warm at the touch. He reaches forward and presses his hand behind your head. You close your eyes and sit up, leaning into the kiss. You reach up and hold his cheeks. The moment felt like it lasted forever, but was over in a second.

You feel him pull away, so you let go. You stare at him, his face is red.
"Sorry..." He says, getting up off the couch. He walks over to the stove and continues cooking. You reach up and touch your bottom lip, still in shock. Then you stare at Wanderer.

He kissed me...

And I'll do it again.

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