Sundrop Embrace

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TW: this chapter includes the following TW'S! Threating, Slight PTSD, Swearing, Mentions of Dottore/The Fatui, Mentions of Abuse. Please read at your own discretion!

(Scaramouche's PoV:)

I walk up to Nahida and shake my head.
"So what were you and (y/n) talking about?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. Nahida turns, and looks at me in confusion.
"What do you mean?" She replies, frowning. I sigh and walk past her. I didn't care anymore what people said, it didn't make a difference to me.

"Balladeer?" Nahida shouts after me. I halt and glance over my shoulder at her, anger raising in me. She gaps at me and then shakes her head.
"Sorry... Scaramouche. Could you please prepare to go to Irminsul." Nahida asks, the sentence seemed a bit cut off, like there was more to it than the simple words that she spoke.
"Yeah, when am I heading out?" I ask, shrugging calmly. I turn to face her, waiting for her response.

"As soon as (y/n) wakes up." Nahida replies, a serious tone in her voice. I shake my head.
"It's too soon. I need at least a couple of days to prepare." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. She nods and then turns back to her work.
"If you aren't wanting to go, then I guess I'll take Dottore up on that offer." Nahida says, her fingers gracefully dancing across the screen.

"What offer?" I ask, letting my arms fall to my sides. A smirk spreads across the small archons face. I feel my body start shaking, but I couldn't tell from what.
"It's the reason he requested to see you. He wants you to join the Fatui again. Their demoting a higher up Fatui member, meaning that you would take the place of a higher rank." Nahida says. I could tell she was trying to get ride of me. Either that or she thinks that the promotion would scare me away from the Fatui, and I would do what she wants.

Either way I would be stuck being ordered around. Stuck like a prisoner in the hands of fate.
"What are you planning?" I ask, a little more harshly then I intended.
"I'm not planning anything. Your here because of your actions. If I feel like your not working to change, then I can do whatever I want. If that means sending you off to be the Fatui's lab rat, then so be it." Nahida says, her voice low and calm.

"What did you just say?" I reply, taking a step toward her, ready to punch her in her small little face. She takes a step back and frowns.
"You do something to harm me, and I won't hesitate to rip you, limb from limb." Nahida says. I smirk, before putting my hands up in surrender.

"You know, for such a tiny and innocent arhcon. I half expected you to be nicer." I say, taking a few steps back. She smiles and claps her hands.
"Glad we could come to an agreement. Go get ready now." She says, turning quickly back to her work. I sigh and leave the middle area. I reach my room and close the door, sighing.

"This is so stupid. Why am I doing this?" I ask myself, before closing my eyes and imaging her.
"Anything for you, (y/n)..." I whisper softly. I glance over at the window and watched for a while, as the sun peaked over the mountains. It was early morning, and everything was so calm. The morning dew caused the leaves of the tree to glisten in the morning light. Birds could be heard, chripping a sweet melody.

I walk over to the window and stare out it, watching as the darkness from the night, faded into the morning light. This was a peaceful time, when everyone was still asleep, or just waking up. No one really payed much attention to its beauty. No one cared for the mixes of oranges, and light blues. And before anyone could see its beauty, the ones who really appreciate it. It's gone in the blink of an eye...

Because the sun doesn't wait for anyone, and if you can't see it, than your out of luck. That reminds me of something... I just can't quite put my finger on it.

I watch as the sun finally reaches the top of the distant mountains, the sky becoming a bright blue, before backing away and starting to pack up my stuff. The sun is like a distant memory, one that makes the hairs on your neck stand up, but fills you with warmth.

It's too bad that all of this would have been for nothing...

I really do hope that the person I become in the future likes the sunrise as well. I won't remember this... I just hope I can still enjoy looking out the window, when it's bright and early, with the birds chripping and the morning dew glistening on the grass and leaves. I hope that I can watch as the sun reaches the mountain peaks, and think... Hey! I love this feeling of comfort, watching as the sky shifts to different colors.

The mornings are quite annoying, but when no one is around to bother you... You can't help but sit and enjoy the sun, finally rising.

A/N: sorry for the shorter chapter, got busy with sem 2 starting and really needed to release this. Also I know it's different than my normal chapters. I wanted it to be more poetic.

Tell me... Do you prefer sunrise, or sunset? I like the sunrise more.

Also I was watching as the sun rised while writing this, that's where I got the idea!

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