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After cleaning up and tucking myself back into my pants.

I crossed my arms and leaned back against the counter, waiting for my prey to come out of hiding.

I didn't want to scare him but it was apparent that I had or he wouldn't be hiding in a bathroom stall.

With the hint of blood hanging
in the air, I couldn't be sure I hadn't hurt him.

I had kind of lost my mind
there in the end and given
myself over to my beast.

It was to be expected when claiming my true mate.

Both man and beast must be present for the claim to be take hold.

Considering I still couldn't make my claws go away, I could only assume that was what had happened.

I had also never felt such an overwhelming need to bite during sex and I distinctly remember sinking my teeth as deep as they could go in my mate's shoulder.

I smirked to myself.

That mating bite would heal but proof of it would never go away.

My beast was quite proud of
the mark we had left behind.

Everyone would know the beautiful man had been claimed.

"Kitten, are you coming out?"


My eyebrows lifted and a
chuckle burst out of my mouth.


I pushed away from the counter and walked over to the door of the toilet stall.

I could see him sitting on the edge of the toilet through the small slit of the door frame, twisting his fingers together so hard they were turning white.

He seemed nervous and well
he should be.

He had been claimed by me.

His life was now mine.

Mine to love, mine to protect, mine to own.

"I can smell you." I murmured.

"You can't escape me."

I heard a small snort.

"Wanna bet?"

I was intrigued by this turn of events. Being a prince, I was used to everyone giving me
yes answers to everything.

I found it interesting to be told no for what might possibly be
the first time in my life.

I also found it very aggravating.

I grabbed the top of the door, preparing to yank it open when the main door burst open and crashed against the wall.

I instantly dropped into a crouch in front of the bathroom stall, my beast coming to the forefront as I prepared to guard my mate.

"Sir, we must go." one of my guards started as he rushed toward me.

"There's been a disturbance outside the club, Humans sir."

"The authorities have been called, We must get you
away before they arrive."

Some of my ire faded but not
all of it.

I didn't like being interrupted when my mate and I were just starting to establish ground rules about who was higher up on the food chain.

Just in case anyone was confused, it was me.

   ~ KITTEN ~|| JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now