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I didn't know what to think of Jimin.

Most people would be jumping
at the chance to have a rich handsome man spend money
on them and offer to fly them anywhere in the world.

Jimin just laughed.

This was not something I had ever experienced before and it left me decidedly unsettled.

I wasn't sure how to win him over or what to talk to him
about or anything.

I was at a loss so I just sat
there and watched him eat.

I knew I probably looked like
an idiot but I felt like one, so... Yeah, I was an idiot.

Took me almost a hundred and thirty-five years and one contrary mate to figure that out.

"How did you find this place?"

It seemed kind of out the way.

Certainly not something the average tourist could find.

It was down a narrow alleyway between two buildings and at
the edge of a hidden courtyard.

"I got bored one day and just started walking around." Jimin shrugged.

"I was kind of looking for inspiration so I was checking
out the neighborhood."

"This was right after I moved
into the area."

I frowned for a moment as I went over the information I'd read on Jimin's background.

"You're a painter, right?"

"I am." Jimin admitted.

"I'm no art savant or
anything but I do okay."

"I'd love to see some of your paintings."

I'd buy every single one I could get my hands on if my mate created them.

I didn't care how good or bad they were.

Jimin snickered. "Is this your
way of asking to come up and see my etchings?"

"Uh...no but would that work?"

The amusement fell off Jimin's face. "I don't know what kind of condition my loft is in."

"I probably should have gone straight home to see what kind of damage there is but I thought getting some food in my gut was a better idea."

"I have some of my guards there now, keeping an eye on the place. No one will mess with it."

It shouldn't have happened in the first place.

I'd made sure to send guards with Jimin when he left, keeping him safe but I had totally spaced sending guards to make sure his loft was safe as well.

This was all my fault.

"I'm really sorry about not sending men to protect your home."

I pressed my lips together for a moment as anger and regret warred inside of me.

"It won't happen again."

"It's not your responsibility
to protect me, It's mine."

I squinted as the rage won out and took over. "You are my mate, the only one I will ever have."

"Of course it's my responsibility."

Jimin sighed before setting his fork down. "Look, I've done
just fine without your help for most of my life. I don't need—"

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