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I stood on one of the stair steps, arm crossed and glared down
at the three men standing
before me.

They looked so damn smug, smirking up at me as if they thought they had won.

They hadn't.

When a couple of the guards took a step toward them, I waved them off.

This was something I needed
to handle on my own.

If I couldn't stand up for myself now, I had no business being Jungkook's consort.

"Is this really the path you
want to take?" I asked.

"It won't end well for you."

Jih snorted.

"The only one this isn't going to end well for is you bloodsucker."

I tilted my head curiously.

"How do you seem to know so much about me, Jih? You're
just a butler, aren't you?"

I lifted an eyebrow when Jih stomped his foot.

He reminded me of a two-year-old throwing a temper tantrum.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"I am not just a butler." Jih snapped.

"I am the butler to the prince."

"I believe you were relieved of that position." I smirked.

"Something about thinking
you have bigger balls than you really do?"

Jih pointed at me after
gesturing to one of the guards.

"Kill him!"

No one moved.

"Kill him." Jih shouted again.

"You're not in charge here, Jih."

And it was about time he
realized that.

"You don't even work here."

"In fact." I squinted at Jih

"Aren't you supposed to be locked up?"

"It's you who should be locked up." one of the other men said
as he stepped forward.

"You have no right to even be here, The prince of gryphons cannot have a bloodsucker for
a mate. We won't allow it."

Oh, this old argument.

I'd been dealing with it most of my life, so his words didn't bother me.

On the other hand...

"How do you even know
who I am?"

"We've always known." The man laughed.

It wasn't a pretty sound.

"Jih here is a font of information."

"Oh, really?" I glanced at Jih.

"My understanding was that he received his information from
an anonymous phone call, Are you saying he gave it to you?"

The alpha rolled his eyes as he glanced at Jih.

"This idiot couldn't find his ass with a map and a GPS."

I couldn't disagree.

"Hey!" Jih shouted as he
glared at the man.

"I gave you all the information."

"I got from hobi's phone."

"I didn't have to do that."

Hobi's phone?

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