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I was surprised to find that I actually enjoyed talking with Jungkook.

He had a keen mind and a vast array of information in his head.

He'd seen and done a lot, even more than I had.

Of course, he was about a hundred years older than me
so that only made sense.

He had also traveled the world and seen many of the same places I had had so we had
that in common.

We even knew some of the
same people. Not a plus.

"This is me." I said when we reached my apartment building.

"It used to be a warehouse but someone had retrofitted it about ten years back and turned it
into loft apartments."

"I'm on the top floor."

Jungkook frowned as he glanced up the side of the building.

"You said someone was waiting for you in your loft and that's when they attacked you?"


Where was he going with that question?

"Why?" I asked.

"How did they get in?"

"I don't know."

"I got knocked out after getting clocked over the head."

"I woke up on the way to the hospital, I haven't had a
chance to look around yet."

Jungkook's lips turned down in
a grimace. "My men have been here since you were attacked."

"I'm sure we'll find the answer."

Wasn't sure how I felt about strangers roaming around in
my apartment, even if they
were Jungkook's guards.

Kind of felt like an invasion
of my privacy.

On the other hand, they were keeping the place safe, so I guess I couldn't argue too much.

Well, I could but I knew when to pick my battles and this wasn't one I wanted to fight.

I'd rather find out who attacked me.

"Did you tell anyone about me?"

I asked as I led the way into the building.

"I mean, that I'm your mate?"

"Just Tai and hobi and I trust both of them with my life."

"Tai and hobi?"

"Tai is the head of my security, He's been with me for decades."

"Hobi is my personal assistant and I guess you could call him my personal butler."

"He keeps me glued together."

"Glued together is...good."

Jungkook chuckled. "He's a virtual genius."

"I have no doubt that if he had decided to go into the business world, he'd be a billionaire tycoon."

"Why didn't he?"

"You know, I never really asked."

"His family has been butlers for my family for generations."

"Usually, they are household butlers but when I became prince, I chose hobi as my personal butler and assistant."

"I needed him to be able to
go where I went, not be tied down to a house."

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