12 (M) 🔞

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It had been dark when we left my loft but it was even darker when we pulled up in front of Jungkook's hotel.

The moon hung high in the sky, and I wanted to pause for a moment and look at it but Jungkook ushered me up the front steps and inside the massive luxury hotel.

I knew of this place.

My parents had stayed here once when they came to visit me.

It was a nice place if you liked living in an elite fishbowl.

Speaking of elite fishbowls, I could feel the stares of those in the lobby as we passed them.

As I had learned to do with my parents, I kept my head held high and ignored them all.

They weren't worth my acknowledgement.

I did smile at the woman
behind the counter, though.

"Mr Park, are you back to
stay with us?"

I nodded my head toward Jungkook. "I'm visiting with
a friend, Lisa."

Lisa smiled back. "It's good to have you back, sir."

"How is that adorable
daughter of yours?"

"Oh, she's getting so big. She started kindergarten this year."

"That's wonderful, Make sure
you tell her hi for me."

"I will." The smile on Lisa's
face wavered a bit when she turned to look at Jungkook.

"Good evening, Mr. Jeon."

"Lisa, is it?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Are there any messages for me?"

Lisa glanced at the large message shelf behind her.

The smile was still on her face when she looked back.

"No, sir, no messages."

"Okay, thank you."

I waved as Jungkook started tugging me toward the elevator.

"How do you know that woman?"

I realized instantly from the growl in Jungkook's words
that he was jealous.

I was equal parts surprised
and elated.

"I met her through her adorable five-year old daughter the last time my parents stayed here."

"Nadi got lost, I found her and returned her to the check-in counter where her frantic
mother was waiting for her."

"I took them both out for a gelato afterwards."


I adored the soft flush that
filled Jungkook's face.

"Not to worry, mate."

"She doesn't have the right equipment to attract me."

Jungkook's eyebrow cocked up before he chuckled.

"She'd better not."

"Besides, she has a kid."

Jungkook's mouth opened.

"You don't want kids?"

"Not, that's not it at all. That adorable five-year old comes complete with a fulltime dad."

Jungkook frowned. "What?"

"Lisa is married. Her husband, Kai, works in the kitchen."


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