The little Fucker. Chapter 3

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The Principal tells me to go get my stuff from Mrs.Falcons room.

"Who?" I ask trying to hold back a smirk,

"Mrs.Falcon." She repeats herself, "Oh," I say,

"Mrs.Bitch-face, ok." I start to head out the door as I hear her say that I have another day's worth detention. Whatever, honestly I couldn't bother to care because,

1. Mark attacked Derek for no reason.

2. Apparently I had sex with a sluts boyfriend and she punched me.

3. Mark punched me.

4. He has my picture in his phone. And I don't mind that he does ...?

OK, so he's hot and all but I would be a terrible friend if I went after the guy who beat up my... friend. 

Best friend.

And yes obviously I've lost feelings for him but I'm still really bummed out that we never even tried. It was the 8th grade, we're juniors now, but still I really wish... whatever, I need to stop thinking about that.

On the other hand my crush punched me when we first met.

Shit- no I didn't mean to say crush, fuck fuckity fuck fuck! Stupid brain. Shut up brain.

I open the door to Bitch-face's class room, she glares at me, "What?" She says sternly, "I needed to get my stuff." I say, what i wanted to say was, 'Oh, I just came back to get my stuff. You didn't ... "play" with anything did you?" Alright I know I'm harsh but she pisses me off with just one word.

She doesn't reply and I grab my stuff, I put my back against the door, scan up and down at Chad while biting my lip and when he looks up and sees what I'm doing I wink at him.

I'm such a bitch but I love to tease him.

Mrs.Bitch-face clears her throat, I roll my eyes and walk out.

I bet you're wondering why I'm such a slut towards Chad right? Well, last year in the beginning of the school year he hosted a pool party.

I thought it'd be fun,I brought Susan, Derek and my old friend Ashley.  I wore a pink with white poka-dot bikini underneath a ripped band T-shirt and short shorts. When we got there, we heard the music from blocks away. But mostly college students lived around Chads' house so no one seemed to be upset with  it, infact some of them even came. Chad's house was big, not a mansion, but one of those houses that look like mini-castles. The pool was lighted up with multi-colored lights underwater and even a hot-tub by some fake looking palm trees. As I suspected, there was shots going around so we grabbed... let's just say we grabbed enough to get drunk. Derek was our ride so he couldn't drink, he remembered everything.

He said I was laying in the pool on a blow-up mattress thing when Chad came up from underwater and pushed my mattress causing me to fall over, too. I came back up laughing and coughing up water at the same time, Chad picked me up bridal style. Luckily we were in the more shallow water, 5'6 and above were able to walk on their tiptoes at least. He took me out of the water and took me to the top of the stairs on his deck and blew one of those really high-pitched whistles, everyone had his attention.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... " He says loudly, "My slut for tonight!" He cheers , gesturing to me then raising his shot cup up and everyone Woo's  and whistles, he takes the cup and was about to take me up to his bedroom until Derek took me and told me we're leaving, I don't know if they got into a fight or not. He won't tell me.

So now, he can't wait to get a taste. I'm the only girl he can't get and I know it tortures him when I tease him.


When our detention finally starts the teacher leaves to go on a lunch break. Wow, nice move.

Mark slides over to a chair next to mine, "We're alone," He smirks,

"Unfortunately, what do you want to do?" I asked, Never ask a guy what he wants to do when you're alone. Ever.He bites his lip and moves his hand on my upper knee.

 Take it off, take it off, take it off...

He moves it up to my thigh, but when he finally takes a hint, as if reading my mind, he removes his hand and clears his throat.

"So you and Derek?" He asks awkwardly,

"Just friends," I say, "So you're available?" He smiles

"I'm not availableI just don't have a boyfriend and am single. What about you? I ask and bite my lip, fuck stop it Rachel!

He smirks, "Single," 

"Oh." I say, "you know, I've never seen you around. Are you new or something?"

"Not really. I'm a senior and I've been home schooled for 2 years, came back just for senior year. My 18th is coming up next Friday, you're invited." 

"I just met you, and you're inviting me?" I say chuckling,

"Well, by then we'll know each other pretty well. Plus you're beautiful," He says cautiously  

I smile, maybe he's not so bad after all. 

When the teacher comes back she tells us to separate. 40 minutes go by and we're dismissed."Need a ride?" Mark says catching up with me, "Actually, yeah. That'd be nice." I say. He leads me to a slick, black car that looks totally bad ass. Mark opens the door for me and I get in and put on my seat belt, he gets in and I tell him my address.

"Well, thanks," I say as he pulls up in my driveway, "Bye, Mark." I say as I reach out to grab the handle of his car door to leave, but he locks the door.

 What the shit. This is like some horror movie type of thing.                                                                      . Oh god I'm going to die!

But then he starts to lean in, I start to feel his hot, sexy breath on my neck and when I turn my head and he ends up kissing my cheek instead of his targeted spot, his deep chuckle sends chills through my body, "Cya, Rachel" He unlocks the door, I step out and wave to him before his vehicle drives way.

Oh my god. 

A guy I just met 6 hours ago (give or take a few) just tried to kiss me. A hot guy.

and I turned him down.

Oh my god.

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