Remorse | CHAP 7

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I can't believe I told the mayor that I loved Rachel, I think it was just the shock I was in speaking.

Damn Mark the girl is dying and you're being a douchebag?! Nice.

The ambulance took us away, they took her  first. I'm not sure where she is now but hopefully they're doing miracles on her because if she dies then... I don't know what I'll do. All I wanted to do was take her to the creek I used to go to to get far away. She would've liked it.

"Take this," A doctor said handing me 2 pills,

"Uh what are they?" I ask slowly, already swallowing them down with water.

The doctor says something but I quickly fall asleep.


"Drive faster!" I yell at Ashley 

"I'm trying! Your yelling isn't gonna get us any further you know!"

As soon as I recognized Rachel's face on the news, I quickly called Ashley and now we're driving to the hospital. I feel like we're in GTA.

"We're here!" Ashley announces, "Obviously," I say. The giant building always creeped me out, it's always so depressing. It may either be the place were you recover or the last building you go to before you die. I've always hated hospitals, but it's like a last resort type of place, when bandages and medicines we have at home can't help us anymore. We step out of the car and  quickly make our way to the front office and ask for Rachel Parker.

"She's in surgery right now." The lady at the front says,

"Oh, what about Mark Collins?" Ashley asks, I look at her confused, why does she care? She notices my reaction but doesn't say anything.

"He's in room 202, second floor, but he should have been sleeping with the medicine we gave him." 

"Thanks." We go to his room and see that, infact, he is sleeping.

Ashley stares at him with a blank expression on her face.

"What is it?" I finally ask, this is getting fucking weird.

"Derek, you like Rachel right?"

"I guess... I mean... why?"

"So you do. Yet you didn't bother looking up anything about this guy?" She suddenly tenses when I touch her shoulder and ask, "Do you know something I don't?"

"I should've told Rachel right at the beginning, but I didn't want to bring up the past with the present..."

What is she talking about? 


"When we broke up I never thought he'd ever come back here. Especially after what he did to  Amber..." She doesn't even look at me, is she going insane?

"Ashley what the fuck happened!"

"He raped a girl!" She finally says,

"He raped a girl and I knew all about it! I was his girlfriend but we broke up before it happened! His sister came to me crying!"

I didn't know what to say, all I know is that I just end up hating this asshole more and more. 

Ashley calms down and continues, "He was really drunk... Amber was his date and he raped her... His sister, Maggie, left town eventually just like his parents did. But she came to me first, telling me everything... How they got letters from Ambers parents threatening him, how he felt insane because he can't remember anything but screams. He had no idea what happened exactly, or maybe he just didn't tell her... When I found out," 

"I couldn't even imagine that was the Mark dated, sure he was violent... but never towards a girl." 

"For some reason, they never filed a report on him, he probably would be in jail now, but they didn't... even though it makes no sense." She finishes.

"I'm going to kill him." I say bluntly, I don't think I've ever been more serious in my life.


I hear a familiar voice, a girls voice, so I start opening my eyes.




And of course Derek. 

"Ashley..." I say puzzled, "What are you doing here? Wheres Rachel?"

Derek looks pissed as ever, probably cause I got Rachel into this mess. I don't blame him, I'm pissed at myself, too.

"Um, hey... Well we saw you on the news so we came by, she's in," 

"She's in surgery right now..." She explains

I say nothing,  I can't imagine how much shit will go down if something happens to her. I wouldn't be able to cope with the idea. Fuck why didn't I just bring her home and watch some chick flicks instead? Instead the creek? really Mark? I'm a fucking idiot.

"So um, have you heard from Maggie?" Ashley asks, attempting to break the silence

"No, not recently."

"Oh, think she's with your parents?"

I tense, "She loves California, I doubt she went far, she most likely went upstate... it's all she ever talked about."

"Maybe she saw the news then." Derek says,

"She'd be here if she did." 

"I wouldn't be if I were her," He says under his breath,  Ashley quickly looks at him- she looks mad, what's going on?

"Why not? She's my sister." I say narrowing my eyes on him,

"Well she's related to a guy with a bad past. I wouldn't be able to face you again, that's all." He smirks a bit,

"Derek!" Ashley yells and stomps her foot on his,

"You don't know jack shit about my past!"

"I know about Amber." He replies, I look at Ashley and she bites her lip,

"Who told you?" 

"I'm sorry I was in shock..." She says silently,

"Who told you, Ashley!"

"Who fucking told you!" I say louder

"Maggie... she was upset and you know we were close even after we separated,"

"Fuck you! Why can't you just keep your trap shut!" I was yelling loud, but luckily no nurses were by to hear.

Derek stepping infront of Ashley, "Why can't you  keep your dick in your pants!" 

"Do you think I'm proud of what I did? I fucking hate myself for it!" It gets quiet, but anyone could've been able to hear my breathing,

"Leave." I say bluntly, "Just go."

Derek hesitates but Ashley pulls him away.

I wait awhile and a nurse finally comes in and says I should be able to go by tomorrow, she says nothing about Rachel which annoys me because I couldn't give a crap about my condition, "And Rachel?" I ask

The nurse stays quiet and says "She's resting. We'll see how everything goes, she's lucky to be alive."

Hey everyone! Author speaking, Wow it's been a long time since I've updated... I'm sorry, but I'm here now! its summer and I can write more! :D Does anyone know why my pictures are gone btw? or why there's no more colors you can add to text? Lol I don't know what I missed but apparently I've missed out alot. Glad to be back :)  Leave a comment saying what you thinks gonna happen! I always love reading comments and I usually reply to them, too ^-^ Heart it you like it <3

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