Disappearance. Chapter 6

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Rachel wasn't in math today, which was weird cause Ashley said she left for school this morning. There's a rumor going around that she slept with Mark, I swear I'm going to kill him. My friend Camille tugs my arm and says he has to tell me something,

We're in the parking lot, I haven't left the school since I thought maybe Rachel was after school or something and I wanted to give her a ride. 

"You're looking for Rachel, right?" He asks,


He nods and looks away then back at me, "I think I know where she is," He continues, "I saw Mark leave with her in first period."

How could she leave with him, how more stupid can she be? She doesn't even know him!  I don't either, but I know well enough he isn't someone to hang around with.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked,

"No, I just saw that she was crying. He was pulling her away outside, they left in his car."

"If he hurts her I'll kill him." I say,

"She wasn't crying because of him , bro." He says as he starts to walk away,

"Then why?" I ask loudly,

"The whole school thinks she and her mom are sluts." He says turning back to me, shrugging. He goes into his car and drives away.

Lindsay. She did this.


I see the terror in Amber's  face, the screams and 'stops'. 

I see my mother and father looking at me- as if I was no longer their child, but some monster that crept into their home.

Maggie, though. Her reaction surprised me most of all. 

"Why?" I remember her asking me,

"I wish I knew, Mags. I regret it. I wish I can take everything back. I ruined our family and hers."

She shook her head, "Fuck you, Mark," she says, "You were drunk, angry, and looking for something to prey on. You chose a weaker victim and took advantage of. But overall, the least you can do is regret it and know it was wrong. And you do know that." She picks up her bags, "That's all I could ask for from you." 

She kept contact with me- I guess she wanted to make sure I didn't go insane and kill myself. 

Then I saw her. Not Maggie. But the one I know I can't help but love. My need to protect her- Rachel.


I remove the glass from my face, wincing, and wipe the blood of my forehead. Shit

"Rachel.." I call out, I climb out of the broken window of my car. I realize the we've flipped over. 

"Rachel!" I scream and run to the opposite side, I unbuckle her seat belt and drag her out. 

She's unconscious and barely breathing, Oh god Rachel please, I've failed on everyone in my life, don't let me fail on you...


It's dark- but near a night-light I see pink walls and flowers cutely painted on them. But this is anything but a cute memory. 

I hear yelling, glasses breaking, voices rising and falling into sobs. I clench onto my teddy bear and bury my face in it. My door bursts open and I see a tall man standing infront of me, he bends down and asks, "What do you think, Sweety?" He asks,

"You've been listening haven't you?" His voice slowly increases volume,

I don't respond and began to sob quietly,

He leaves the room and pulls my mother in by the hair,

"Do you think she's innocent?" He asks loudly,

I don't answer,

"Do you love her?"

I nod, wiping away my tears, "Yes..." 

He lets his grip go of my mother and rips the teddy bear out of my own hands. He throws it out the window, my last reminder of happiness gone.

He hits me a few times. Then storms off.

My mother crawls over to me and cradles me in her arms, "I'm so sorry," She whispers, "I'm so sorry," She's crying now.

That was the last I saw of my dad. My real dad. The man you saw in the kitchen was my step-dad. I only call him dad so no one asks questions. Mom was never the same.

Who would've thought that now, even I can't decide who I want. Because when someone asks me who I have a crush on. One person pops up in my mind,

The other,

Just trails around playing with my feelings.

I tell them, "No one."


I take off my jacket and make it into a pillow type of thing, I lay Rachel on it and check her breathing again,

it didn't change. I have to go check on the car I hit to see if whoever in there is okay, but I'm worried what might happen to Rachel.

My phone...

I reach into my pocket,   No service,  Fuck! "Are you fucking serious!" I yell,

I hear something move in the other car, followed by a weak "Hello?"

I run over there and help the man out, he looks familiar. I swear I've seen him before somewhere.

He tells me to reach into the car and grab his phone, luckily- he has signal. I dial 911 and explain everything, they inform me that they'll be there shortly.

I help him over by where Rachel is, I take out some glass out of his skin hoping it'll help somewhat.

He sees Rachel, 

"Is she..." He doesn't say the last word, and I'm seriously grateful that he didn't.

"I hope not," I say, 

"Who is she?" He asks wincing and trying to hold himself together,

"Just a girl..." I say, "I ... I think I love her." I run my hand through my hair,

"You say it like it's a bad thing." He says,

"I just met her, it shouldn't be possible." I explain,

"Love works in mysterious ways, son." Son. I haven't heard that in awhile.

"You seem familiar," I say

"Well, I am the Mayor. You might have seen me somewhere," He says

Great, the Mayor, perfect. I not only endangered Rachel, but also the Mayor.

We look around the crash, my car flipped over and completely wrecked, the man's car  side totally crushed and front bumper off to the side along with the hood of his car.

We hear the sirens. I stroke Rachel's hair hoping she's okay. God, please let her be okay. 


I sit on the couch in my living room, exhausted and worried. Still confused why Rachel would ever go with him. I turn the TV on to see my Dad , most likely, left it on the News channel. As I'm about to switch it, I see two faces I think I recognize.

"A car severe car crash in Roosevelt leaves us praying that  our very own Mayor, Robert S. Phill, and"  She pauses, the camera zooms in on the two teenagers. one guy with black hair and face covered in smeared blood, and a girl laying on the floor, blonde hair stained with blood and she looks almost... dead?

Is that Mark? Rachel?... That's impossible...

"The names of the teenaged victims with him are  Mark Sulvian and Rachel Parker. Mark is doing better than Rachel- who looks unconscious. We will update later on when we find out more of the story."

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