He's a creep, but he's cute. | CHAP 8

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It's been  two weeks at the hospital now, I can finally leave. I won't go into details about my injuries, they weren't pretty.  But I guess miracles exist because you know, I'm actually alive. Phew.

Mark, Derek and Ashley have all been visiting a lot. Separately though, which is pretty weird. Don't worry my mom came too, if you're wondering about my dad (stepdad) then yeah, no... 

But that's okay.

"Hi honey!!" My mom says squeezing me in for a hug, "Hey mom." I laugh, honestly I've missed her so much and I'm glad that I'm coming home.

We get in the car and drive home. so glad that finally I can leave this depressing place. When we arrive, I see a bunch of pink and blue balloons on my front porch, which are my favorite colors. What I really hope is at home is a giant bucket of icecream! Sorry, but hospital food is so nasty. Bleh, just thinking about it... 

We get out of the car and walk over to the door, she unlocks it and I quickly grab a candy bar and go upstairs to my room, 

"You should probably rest for a bit!" I hear my mom say from downstairs. Really, mom? What do you think I did at the hospital?

"Yeah I know! I partied too much at the hospital!" I reply, yelling so she can hear me.

I go straight to my laptop and log into all the social websites I'm on. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, you name it. I had to check all of it. While they're loading I go on Pandora and turn on some music. Finally! Some sanity! As I'm checking all my notifications, I hear someone behind me say, "Hey," and chuckle then they cover my eyes with their hands.

just got home, I'm not getting kidnapped now! I turn and find the persons arm and bite it hard. That might've been a bad idea, because he (well they sound like a he.) tackled me. But he was just laughing! "Rach, why'd you bite me?" I look up to see Mark.

What the actual fuck?! "How'd you get inside!"

He laughs, "I asked your mom if I can come in." 

"Liar!" He raises his eyebrows in confusion and I continue, "My mom would never let a random guy in!"  

"Yeah, no one would. That's why I told her I'm your boyfriend. Plus she saw me that one time picking you up for school so she believed me," He explained, "God, Mark, you're such a creeper." I say, He just looks down at me with his head to the side as if he's in doubt or something, "What?" I ask. Then I realize that he's ontop of me. Oh my god that car must've really hit me hard. "Nothing," He says.

Ok, normally I probably should roll away from him and smack him or something. But my body refuses to move... "Oh Rachel but you're in control of your body, just move!"  Yeah not when a really hot guy that may or may not like you is on you!

So we just keep staring at eachothers eyes, did I ever mention how pretty his are? 

Somehow we slowly get closer to eachother, I bite my lip and I see him smirk before both our lips clash together. As if we've waited so long to kiss eachother. I wrap my arms around his neck automatically. I actually smile inbetween kisses and I know he knows I did, because I feel him smile, too.

The moment was so perfect I wish I could replay it whenever I wanted to.

When we let go I still had butterflies in my stomach "I finally rubbed off on you, huh?" He says smiling, I laugh and say "Shush!" Then he says "No problem," and then leans back in for another kiss. He's so perfect, this is so perfect. 

Best welcoming home ever, seriously.

A phone buzzes, Mark groans in annoyance, apologizes and kisses my cheek quickly. His face gets white when he reads whatever text message he got. "What's wrong?" I say getting up.


I keep staring at the message from my sister. Yeah, that's right. My sister, Maggie. We haven't seen eachother in so long. She texted me asking why I'm not home and also asking where I am. 

Is she home? 

What the fuck seriously Mags, I love you your my sister. But bad timing... 

I feel so horrible that I'm about to leave and see if Maggie's home. But I'll make it up to Rachel later, I can't let her be mad at me now. I just got her to like me. 

"I gotta go..." I sigh 

She looks disappointed, "Seriously?"  "Yeah... Sorry it's just that, well-" Should I just tell her my sisters home? Because what if she's not and then she'll want to meet her? I remember then what my dad said to me once "Don't lie to girls, they always find out. And when they do, thing's get scary." " I think my sisters home, I'm not sure, but I have to check..." She doesn't say anything so I panic a bit, "I'll come back as soon as I can... If you want you know." She sighs and rolls her eyes but laughs, "Okay, I should probably go see Ashley anyways."

Shit no, she can't. She'll tell her we kissed then she'll find out...  

"Actually why don't you just come with?" I say quicker than I should have, fuck Mark stop being so obvious!

"Why? You and your sister haven't seen each other in a long time. You guys should catch up."   She says confused,

Crap, "Uh...well," I stutter, "Yeah you're probably right." I'm screwed. 

"Will Derek be there?" I say before she responds,

She smirks, "Getting jealous already, babe?" chuckling she pulls me closer and kisses me again. You guys don't know how much she means to me. Even if we only knew each other for only a couple months.

"See you soon?" I say smiling, "Soon." She says, I hug her and walk out her mom waves at me and I wave back. 

I drive back home and rush inside, as expected I find my remaining family member who doesn't completely despise me.

"Mark." She says getting up,

"Maggie, Hey.." I say and we hug awkwardly. 

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