Eyes can only see (PART 2)

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I never told anyone that I've date raped, I mean, would you?

Anyways as I walk upstairs to my room, I realize I forgot to get Rachels number. Fuckk! Whatever, I'll just get it tomorrow.

I take my laptop and log into my Facebook account I see a notification. So I open it to see,

Well, well.

"Rachel Parker would like to add you as a friend."  

Guess I won't need to ask her tomorrow after all.


My friend Ashley giggles at the laptop screen. You guys remember her don't you? She went with me to Chad's party, she was the 'old friend'.

Well, when I walked inside all I saw was her on my couch eating my chips. I gave her my key a long time ago, but that was just creepy. So I spilled everything that happened recently. The first thing she asked was "Did you get the hot guys number?!"  

"What are you laughing at?" I ask her and raise my eyebrows, "Wait," I say, I left my facebook open, "Ashley what did you do!?" I run over to her and she just stares at me then at the screen. I check it,

"Mark Collin accepted your friend request." 

My mouth drops and she says, "He had the most mutual friends and his name was Mark, I figured it was him..." I check his profile picture, and there he is. Same dark wavy hair and toned abs. Of course he's shirtless in his picture. I check his other pictures and I see one where it's showing his back muscles. The only thing missing is the scratches I left.

"I can't believe you did this, do you know how stalker-ish this is gonna look? I was just probably a one day thing!" I say trying to hide how excited I actually I am,

"Shut up he tried to kiss you!" She throws a pillow at me,


Was that?... No...

Ashley takes the laptop from me and smiles like a Cheshire cat, she reads,

"Couldn't get enough of me, huh, babe? ;) "

"OH MY GOD" Ashley screams, gosh she is obsessed.

"Give me it!" I grab the laptop and type,

 "It's only a friend request, calm yourself <3 " [a/n : Rachels typing will be in bold."]

"First a friend request, then a relationship request... ;) We all know how this will end, Sweet heart."

"In your dreams, Lover boy!"

"Don't worry, you'll definitely be in my dreams." 

My heart flutters. Stop it brain! Stop it heart! He's only saying that... 

"You will be in mine as well then ;) ..."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah I run you over with my truck! xx"

"A chick riding a truck? You seem girly than that"

Uh-uh he did not  just call me girly.

"I'm nothing like those annoying girly-girls at school. Believe me! -.- "

"Relax, I'm only kidding♥ I'm going to get off now, so text me ;) ," 

 He puts in his phone number and then the green circle next to his name turns grey, he's offline.

Hesitantly, I reach for my phone and put him in my contacts as "Markkk!". Ashley stops me before I get to send him a text,

"Don't" she says,


"Not until a few days, make him wait for it." She explains

God these 'girl rules' are so weird.


She doesn't text me, I know she wouldn't.

Girls do this "Hard to get" thing by not texting you until a few days and be like  Oh hi, sorry I forgot to text you!

It really get's on my nerves, but I let it go.

I go downstairs to the kitchen open the fridge and see no food. God damnit, I forgot to go buy something to eat! Normally, I'd just order take out, but I feel like going to the store and not feeling like the bum I am.


I park outside the Super Market, and go inside. "May I help you?" A young girl asks, I notice her name tag and figure she's working here, "Uhh, no thanks." I say, she looks disappointed but honestly how more obvious can she be. I literally just walked in and you're asking if you can help me? What the hell.

Shit, why am I being such a jerk? I never get this insulted by girls lame pick-up lines.

I wonder why Rachel doesn't seem so into me. Even if we only knew eachother for not long, I thought she  would atleast let me kiss her.

I shouldn't be thinking about her...

I walk to the snacks isle and grab a large bag of barbecue chips and medium-spicy cheese dip. Probably my favorite snack ever. 

"Weird seeing you here," A voice says behind me, I turn around and see the guy I pounced on today, Derek. "Oh, hey. It's funny you know, I just got back from Rachels house." I smirk, his cheeks turn red and he quickly says "I doubt it."

"She lives on 1278 west Lakeshore Lane right?" I say,

His eyebrows narrow down and he steps closer to me, "If you touch her..." he says,

"She isn't your girlfriend. Atleast that's what she told me."

He stutters a bit, " I... I know. But I won't let you use her."

 "You like her!"  I laugh, "Oh my god, you like her!"

He says nothing.

"Well, Lover boy," Weird, Rachel called me that just a few minutes ago. God damnit Mark, stop thinking about her! "Your chance is over. Time for me to do my magic." I start to walk away and I hear him ask,

"Did you or did you not touch her."

I smirk, turn around and say "I kissed her like there's no tomorrow." 

I hear him running to me and he shoves me, I grab the collar of his shirt, "Listen, I beat your ass once and I could do it again if I want to." I say sternly,

"You punch like a bitch." He says, 

I raise my fist up and then I freeze and suddenly I'm finding myself releasing my grip on Derek. I almost forgot that he's her bestfriend, and she would probably kill me if I do this intentionally

He laughs, "Looks like I'm not the only one who likes her." and walks away.

I do not fucking like her!

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