A pillow was shoved to my face , I groaned ready to yell at the person who woke me up. But comes face to face with a grinning Casey, I kick him off my bed and I chuckled hearing his groan.

"Serves you right" I scoofed getting up from the bed.

He rolls his eyes "You need to stop acting like a dick miles"

"Well I am older than you, so suck it up"

"Older than me?"he grabs my hand leading me to the mirror "Do you look older Miles?"

Truth be told, I look younger than my age, younger than Casey who I am senior to. I yank my hand from his and run my fingers through my disshelved dirty blond hair.

"What are you up to?"

He sighs "A job offer was given to me by a close friend of mine and I would really like to Accept it"

"I told you already Casey, stay put. Am I not providing enough for the both of us? I couldn't complete college because I had to work. I won't let the same thing happen to you, please don't end up like me"

"Think about it miles, just let me have my way with this for once please. This will benefit not only me but the both of us"

I turn around to face him "You have class right? And I have to get going to work"

"Miles" he whines and pout.

"Take a shower, get dressed and come down for breakfast. I have to get to work soon" and with that I walk out from my room.

I hear him grumbles and the sound of his bedroom door slam shut. I rub my temple tiredly and make my way into the kitchen after preparing breakfast, I yell out Casey's name to step down for breakfast, and soon he comes running down.

"Eat" I said sliding his plate to him.

He doesn't respond and we ate in silence. After eating, he washed the dishes, while I go upstairs to shower and got dressed in my cafe uniform.


He walks past me and head upstairs, with a sigh I make my way out of the apartment and began my twenty minutes walk to work. Getting to the cafe, I push open the door and make my way over to the counter.

"Morning sir!" I smiled greeting him.

He frowned "You are five minutes late miles"

I rub my neck nervously "Sorry sir, I got stucked in traffic"

He chuckled "Traffic? You always walk miles"

I grinned sheepishly "I am sorry sir, it won't happen again"

He nodded and I put on my apron, Anne walks towards me after taking an order from a customer.

"Thanks for attending to my table"

She nods "You are late, problem with Casey?"

She knows me too well "He insists on working and I don't want him to do so. He will lose focus on his studies and will be too tired to study, I don't want that"

"He is no longer a child, I get it that you were only looking out for him, but you need to cut him some slack. Pressuring him into doing what he doesn't want to won't make it easy for the both of you. Just let him do as he please, okay?" She spoke softly.

I sighed "Fine, I will have a word with him tonight"

She smiles "Good boy"

My shift ended by four and I took a bus to the supermarket, Matthew makes his way over to me with his backpack in his hand.

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